Kathryn Adair
Faculty and Manager, Career Development
Rohit Aggarwal
Professor; David Eccles Emerging Scholar
Krishnan Anand
David Eccles Professor, Faculty Scholar, Faculty Fellow, & Emerging Scholar
Mike Anderson
Professor (Lecturer)
Kimball Anderson
Adjunct Instructor
Elena Asparouhova
Francis A. Madsen Professor of Finance; Daniels Professor of Ethics
Bonita Austin
Professor (Lecturer)
Abe Bakhsheshy
Professor (Lecturer) & Director, Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative
Nitin Bakshi
Chair and Professor, Department of Operations and Information Systems; David Eccles Faculty Fellow
Quentin Baldwin
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Jordan Ballam
Adjunct Instructor
Sachin Banker
Assistant Professor
Jay Barney
Presidential Professor of Strategic Management & Lassonde Chair of Social Entrepreneurship
David Bauman
Associate Instructor
Blake Bauman
Associate Instructor
Jamie Bay
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Scott Becker
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Victor Bennett
Lyda Bigelow
Academic Director of MBC Programs, Pierre Lassonde Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Bailey Bigelow
Assistant Professor
Lee Boam
Professor (Lecturer)
Bryan Bonner
Professor; David Eccles Faculty Scholar & Faculty Fellow
Cord Bowen
Professor (Clinical) & Director, Doman Innovation Studio
Jeff Brazell
Professor (Lecturer) of Marketing and Director of the Center for Strategic Analytics
Jack Brittain
Pierre Lassonde Presidential Chair in Entrepreneurship & Professor
Jonathan Brogaard
Kendall D. Garff Chaired Professor
Michael Bronson
Adjunct Instructor
Paul Brown
The James Lee Sorenson Presidential Endowed Chair & Professor (Lecturer)
Jennifer Brown
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty; Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy; H. Brent Beesley Endowed Professor
Lowell Brown
Adjunct Instructor
Anthony Brownlow
Instructor (lecturer)
Marci Butterfield
Associate Professor and Lecturer
Brian Cadman
Chair and Professor, School of Accounting; David Eccles Professor
Kathryn Cañas
Professor (Lecturer)
Stephen Carson
Chair and Professor, Department of Marketing; David Eccles Professor
Shannon Leanne Charles
Professor (Lecturer)
Promothesh Chatterjee
Tenure-Track Faculty
Jeffrey L. Coles
Samuel S. Stewart, Jr. Presidential Chair in Business David Eccles Chair & Professor of Finance
Jason Cook
Assistant Professor
Mike Cooper
Chair and Professor, Department of Finance; A. Blaine Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Finance
Mark J. Crowley
Professor (Lecturer)
Jennifer Cummings
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Colleen Cunningham
Assistant Professor
Gabby Cunningham
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Chris Dansie
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Jeff Davis
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Kristina Diekmann
Chair and Professor, Department of Management; Angus T. Shearer Jr. Endowed Professor of Ethics & Professor of Management
Kurt Dirks
Dean, Professor of Leadership
David Dolifka
Rodrigo Dominguez
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Paul Dowling
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Robert Dubil
Professor (Lecturer)
Tom Eldredge
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Paul Eliason
Associate Professor
Kfir Eliaz
Visiting Professor
Atif Ellahie
Associate Professor
Josh Feng
Assistant Professor
Tim Fullmer
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Mac Gaulin
Assistant Professor
Andra Ghent
Lindsey Gibson
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Byoung-gyu Gong
Assistant Professor
John Gordon
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Manu Goyal
David Eccles Associate Professor, Emerging Scholar, & Faculty Fellow
Jesse Graham
George S. Eccles Chair of Business Ethics and Professor of Management
Abbie Griffin
Royal L. Garff Presidential Chair in Marketing; Professor
Tianyu Gu
Assistant Professor
Kathy Hajeb
Professor (Lecturer) & Lassonde Faculty Director
Douglas Hammer
Adjunct Instructor
Larry Hancock
Faculty, Director, MHA Employer Networking
Gohar Harutyunyan
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Rachel Hayes
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Chair in Financial Reporting, Professor
Eryn He
Assistant Professor
Miao He
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Davidson Heath
Assistant Professor
John Henriksen
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Heidi Noelle Herrick
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Bill Hesterly
Chair and Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy; Dumke Family Presidential Endowed Chair in Honor of Katherine W. And E.R. Dumke, Jr.; Daniels Fund Initiative Professor of Ethics
Matthew J. Higgins
Emma Eccles Jones Chair & Professor; Director, Sorenson Center for Discovery & Innovation
Derek Hoff
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Michelle Hofmann
Adjunct Instructor
Joseph Horton
Troup Howard
Assistant Professor
Paul Hu
E.R. Dumke Jr. Presidential Endowed Chair in Business; Assistant Dean, Programs in Asia
Woonam Hwang
Assistant Professor
Mark Jansen
Assistant Professor
Jeff Jensen
Faculty and Director, MHA Online
Brian Johnson
Program Director, Masters of Science in Finance (MSF); Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Steven Johnson
Adjunct Instructor
Wayne Johnson
Post Doctoral
Bharadwaj Kadiyala
Assistant Professor
Avner Kalay
Francis A. Madsen & Blaine Huntsman Professor of Finance
Rand Kerr
Faculty and Program Director, MHA
Hak-Yoon Kim
Assistant Professor
Sunghee Kim
Assistant Professor
Thomas Kline
Adjunct Instructor
Joné Koford
Adjunct Instructor
Glen Kreiner
Chair of the Department of Management; Professor
Jenny (Yoon Jung) Kwon
ENS Post-Doctoral Fellow
Lynn Leary-Meyers
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Gene Levinzon
Associate Professor (Lecturer), Director of Undergraduate Fintech Program
Michael Lewis
Assistant Dean, Finance and Operations; Professor (Lecturer), School of Accounting
Jiacui Li
Assistant Professor
Karl Lins
Spencer Fox Eccles Chair in Banking and Professor of Finance
Tim Liu
Assistant Professor
Adam Looney
Professor, Executive Director of the Marriner S. Eccles Institute for Economics and Quantitative Analysis
Robert Lutz
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Sara Malik
Assistant Professor
Tamara Masters
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Anna McKean
Goff Post-Doctoral Fellow
Rich McKeown
Executive in Residence
Himanshu Mishra
David Eccles Professor of Marketing, Faculty Fellow & Emerging Scholar
Arul Mishra
David Eccles Professor of Marketing, Faculty Fellow, & Emerging Scholar
Henner Mohr
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Steve Monahan
Associate Professor
Jeff Nielsen
Professor (Lecturer)
Dave Norwood
Associate Professor
Bill Oakley
Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Director of AdThing
Jaelynn Oh
Assistant Professor
Chong Oh
Professor (Lecturer), Academic Director of MSIS and Director of Undergraduate IS Program
Stacey Overholt
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Ed Owens
Associate Professor; Director, Accounting Ph.D. Program
Anne Palmer
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Yihui Pan
Associate Professor; David Eccles Faculty Fellow & Emerging Scholar
Joowon Park
Assistant Professor
Mark Parker
Associate Dean, Academic Programs; Professor (Lecturer), Department of Operations and Information Systems
Tony Passey
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Elena Patel
Sorenson Assistant Professor
Teresa Pavia
Associate Professor Emeritus
Geoffrey Pears
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Matt Pecsok
Assistant Professor
Xiaoxia Peng
Associate Professor, H. James Griggs-FIA Fellowship
Nabita Penmetsa
Assistant Professor
Aaron Phillips
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Scott Pickett
Professor (Lecturer)
Marlene Plumlee
Kenneth A. Sorenson/KPMG Endowed Professor
Taft Price
Professor (Clinical)
Stanford Pugsley
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Vandana Ramachandran
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Taylor Randall
Professor; George S. Eccles Faculty Fellow
Georgi Rausch
Professor (Lecturer)
Beverly Rich
Assistant Professor
Jessie Richards
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Matthew Ringgenberg
Professor; David Eccles Faculty Fellow
Kylie Rochford
Assistant Professor
Gregg Rosann
Associate Instructor
Cesar Sanchez
Eccles Global, Director; Adjunct Instructor
Alan Sandomir
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Debra Scammon
Emma Eccles Jones Professor
Scott Schaefer
Chair and Professor, Division of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations; John W. McIntyre Family Endowed Chair for Free Market Economics
Jim Schallheim
Richard T. Pratt Professor of Finance
Glen Schmidt
Jordan Schoenfeld
Associate Professor
Bill Schulze
David Eccles Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategy; Faculty Scholar & Fellow
Rita Schwisow
Adjunct Instructor
Nathan Seegert
Associate Professor; David Eccles Emerging Scholar
Glenn Seninger
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Ravideep Sethi
Assistant Professor
Iman Sheibany
Assistant Professor
Orie Shelef
Assistant Professor
Rebekah Shrader
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Chong Shu
Assistant Professor
Roger Silvers
Assistant Professor
Erik Snowberg
Jason Snyder
Harris Sondak
Professor; David Eccles Faculty Scholar
Junseok Song
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Sankar Srinivasan
Professor and Lecturer of Information Systems
Kevin Standridge
Visiting Professor
Amelia Stillwell
Assistant Professor
Stephen Stubben
Senior Associate Dean, Research; Professor, School of Accounting; Francis Armstrong Madsen Endowed Professor
Sue Sundar
Director Operations & Supply Chain Program; Professor (Lecturer)
David Tannenbaum
Assistant Professor; David Eccles Emerging Scholar
Elizabeth Tashjian
Elizabeth Tenney
Associate Professor, David Eccles Emerging Scholar
Andrea Thomas
Professor (Lecturer)
Iona Thraen
Adjunct Instructor
Aditi Vashist
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Brad Vierig
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Executive Education
Hayley Wabiszewski
Post Doctorate
Danny Wall
Faculty, Program Director
Stephen Walston
Faculty and Director, Master of Healthcare Management Program
Don Wardell
Professor; David Eccles Faculty Scholar; Francis A. Madsen Scholar
Ruchi M. Watson
Managing Director, Goff Strategic Leadership Center; Professor (Lecturer)
Jeff Webb
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Peter Weir
Adjunct Instructor
George W. "Buzz" Welch
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Alayna Williamson
Associate Professor (Lecture)
Fernando Wilson
Adjunct Instructor
Allison Witman
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Mary Paige Witt
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Alisa Wu
Robert Wuebker
Associate Professor
Todd Zenger
Presidential Professor of Strategy and Strategic Leadership & N. Eldon Tanner Chair
Tina Ziemek
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
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