Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics
The Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics (GCBA) allows students to gain specialized knowledge in both data analytics and management. Obtaining a graduate-level analytics certificate will provide students with a significant advantage to those seeking to advance their careers in the rapidly growing market for data and analytics professionals.
Graduate Certificate in Information Systems
The Graduate Certificate in Information Systems (GCIS) allows you to gain a broad background in information systems, as well as more specialized technical knowledge. Available course topics include data mining, business intelligence and analytics, software and systems architecture, product and process management, and IT security.
Graduate Certificate in Operations and Supply Chain Management
The Graduate Certificate in Operations and Supply Chain Management (GCOSC) allows students to gain specialized knowledge and provides an advantage to those seeking to advance their career or strengthen their proficiency in OSC management. The courses will explore strategic choices for different industries and operational objectives.
Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Management
The Graduate Certificate in Cybersecurity Management (GCCM) allows developing cybersecurity leaders to design, implement, and operate a security program intended to reduce risk of compromise of an organization’s data. Students who obtain this certificate will be better equipped to aid in the design, operation, and monitoring of security controls to protect corporate and consumer data in an age of ever-increasing aggression and sophistication on the part of adversaries.