Generative AI (chatGPT) Hackathon

Saturday, March. 23, 2024

Recap of the 2024 Generative AI (ChatGPT) Hackathon!

Hosted by Information Systems, student teams use chatGPT to extract information from competition datasets to create value for their sample company. Winning teams receive prizes.

Info Session

Sunday, March 10
5 – 6 p.m.
via Zoom


Competition Kickoff

Monday, March 18
5 – 6 p.m.
Via Zoom


Hackathon Day

Saturday, March 23
9-4 p.m.
Teams receive the datasets and spend the day building value from their data.

Presentations and Award Ceremony

March 23
6 p.m.

Location: C. Roland Christensen Center (CRCC)

About the hackathon

Over 100 million users began using ChatGPT in just two months since its launch.

Companies are now scrambling to find ways to use this tool to gain competitive advantage. In this hackathon students will complete a project using ChatGPT to solve business problems and generate business value.

One of the amazing opportunities generated by ChatGPT is the ability to quickly iterate on complex ideas and create amazing solutions in a fraction of the time previously needed. Students need not be experts in Machine Learning or Programming to solve challenging business problems. This competition is designed to allow students from all backgrounds to be competitive. Ideally teams should be diverse across multiple departments in the business school.

In this competition students will learn to analyze a real-world business problem and design and execute a cutting-edge solution. Create a team to gain valuable skills during the hackathon as well as develop your resume. This competition will be a unique addition to your skills and provide valuable talking points for interviews.

Challenge Details

  • Students must be enrolled at the Eccles School during Spring 2024. Students from any undergraduate or graduate program are invited to participate.
  • Teams must include 3-4 students.
  • Two team categories: Undergraduate and Graduate.
  • Must have at least one team member from the Information Systems undergraduate major, MSIS or MSBA programs, or QAMO IS Emphasis, or IS Minor.

All teams will present their solution to judges.

The judges will score each team based on:

  • Quality of solution. Judges are looking for a solution that can generate high quality business value.
  • Quality of materials. Team deliverables should be professional-quality, well written/designed, and easy to understand.
  • Professional presentation. Judges are looking for students to deliver a business-quality presentation, including visual or other aides.
  • Novelty of approach. Judges are looking for students to come up with novel ways to approach their business problem.

Does one student have to be an IS major?
For both the undergrad and grad categories, one team member must be either an undergraduate IS, MSIS, or MSBA student.

What if a team member quits?
You can get a replacement team member or choose to continue in the competition without that person, but each team still needs to have 3-4 members.

What if the whole team quits?
That team will then forfeit the competition and no longer continue.

Can the team seek outside help?

Can the team use other technologies?

Can the team use other data sources?

Do we get help?
Yes, training videos and help desk support (limited-time) will be provided during the week of the competition.

Do we start from scratch?
No, teams will receive example solutions for idea generation.

  • March. 10: Information Session | 5 – 6 p.m.
  • March. 18: Competition Kick-Off | 5 – 6 p.m.
    • At least one team member of each team is required to attend the kick-off meeting.
    • Hear from sponsors, ask any final questions, network with other teams.
  • March. 23: Hackathon Day
  • March. 23: Presentations and Awards Ceremony | 4 – 5 p.m.
    • Showcase and Awards


  • 1st Place
  • 2nd Place
  • 3rd Place


Kahlert Initiative on Technology