Brendan Tsang is in his sophomore year at the Eccles School and is planning on majoring in Finance. Even though this is only his second year in college, Brendan has become a very involved individual, joining clubs, leadership opportunities, and a fraternity, Beta Theta Pi. He recently became an Eccles Ambassador for Business Scholars, the Director of Finance for AAPI Students in Business Organizations, and a Goff Pathfinder. During the summer he worked as an Orientation Leader introducing incoming freshman to the University of Utah college experience.

In an interview with Brendan, he shared more about his favorite college experience — living on campus with his First Ascent cohort.

“We were able to bond very well throughout the entire year, help each other out on schoolwork, and even personal things. But ultimately it was my first experience living away from home with new people,” Tsang said. “Overall, I was able to live with some of my best friends that I’ll ever have.”

Tsang also mentioned that his favorite Eccles experience was getting to travel with the Business Scholars program. He was able to make lifelong connections with fellow business students.

When asked about advice he would give to other students, Tsang looks back to his own involvement in college.

“Step out of your comfort zone,” he said. “Make the most out of college because you receive what you put into your college experience. Join a community and find organizations that you think that you would enjoy, but even if you find out that you don’t enjoy it, make a couple of friends or connections everywhere that you go.”

Overall, Tsang is an example of how much involvement in campus life can truly enrich the overall Eccles experience. Starting early is especially important so that you can make the most out of college. And always remember to make a new friend wherever you go. We are looking forward to seeing Brendan grow and exceed in the upcoming years.

Brendan Tsang

“Make the most out of college because you receive what you put into your college experience. Join a community and find organizations that you think that you would enjoy.”

Haylie Heale

Haylie Heale is a senior studying Marketing and Information Systems at the David Eccles School of Business. She is currently an intern for the Marketing and Communications department and a Diversity Ambassador for the Office for Student Inclusion.