Meet our Team

Business Career Coaches help Eccles students explore their passions and strengths and prepare and support them to land internships, jobs, and careers with top companies.

Rebecca McDonald
Rebecca McDonaldDirector, Business Career Success
Tony Simiele
Tony SimieleAssociate Director, Business Career Success
Ahmed Al Tuhafi
Ahmed Al TuhafiCareer Coach (Information Systems)
Darrin Bartunek
Darrin BartunekCareer Coach, Instructor
Jon Davis
Jon DavisCareer Coach (Entrepreneurship, Bus Admin)
Emilie Elmont-Davis
Emilie Elmont-DavisCareer Coach (Pre-Business)
Marcus Franck
Marcus FranckCareer Coach (Finance)
Lynnette Horner
Lynnette HornerSenior Career Coach (Accounting)
Susan Grant
Susan GrantCareer Coach (Finance)
Solomon Lin
Solomon LinCareer Coach (Operations & Supply Chain, MRED)
Delilah Martis
Delilah MartisCareer Coach (Finance)
Sean McKelvie
Sean McKelvieCareer Coach
Alex Overbay
Alex OverbayCareer Coach (Information Systems, MSCM)
Mike Shepherd
Mike ShepherdCareer Coach (Marketing)
Laura Wallace
Laura WallaceCareer Coach (QAMO, MSBA)