Job Offers and Negotiations

Meet with your career coach to learn more about how to navigate job offers and negotiations. 

You have an offer!

  • Say thank you, and let them know you are excited to consider the offer!
  • Ask for offer details in writing.
  • Find out when the employer needs your decision; use the time to research benefits/salaries and weigh other options.
  • Be respectful of their deadline, and respond within the time-frame as soon as you feel comfortable. If absolutely necessary, you can request an extension on the deadline.
  • Stay in communication with the employer as long as you are considering the offer.
  • When making major career decisions, it can be helpful to use a SWOT analysis to weigh your options.

Negotiation & Salary

  • Negotiations are complicated. Meet with your career coach for specific guidance.
  • Take the entire offer into account. Salary is not the only factor. Medical/Dental benefits, 401(k), bonuses and advancement potential will impact the total value of the package.
  • Use data to determine what you and your experience are worth. Consider comparable salaries in your area. Conduct negotiation in person if possible, if not, then by phone, never over e-mail.
  • Negotiation Resources