Get valuable tips and insights from Spring 2019 career prep week:

Day 1: Perfect your Resumes and Cover Letters

Writing resumes and cover letters can be tricky at times. Check out these helpful tips and visit Business Career Services for additional reviews and recommendations.

Day 2: Leverage your Emotional Intelligence

This presentation covers the basics of emotional intelligence and includes professional takeaways/applications to make you stand out in the recruiting process and your career.

Day 3: Build your Network

SMART Start is an organization that helps connect alumni and students. This event focused on building a network while gaining insights on what to do after an interview. View tips and tactics you can utilize to continue standing out after your interview.

Day 4: Sharpen your Case Interview Skills

Did you know that there are various types of interviews? Case Interviews are being utilized more and more often by employers. This presentation will help you understand how to prepare for these type of interviews.

Day 5: Spend your Lunch with Devin Henderson

Devin Henderson is a corporate comedian, recovering magician, and funny motivational speaker. He spoke with business students on how to find your passion and become a successful professional.