We’re here for U!

Your Eccles Experience includes premier wrap-around support throughout your academic journey. Eccles students have dedicated academic advisors and business career coaches, plus find free tutoring for many of your business classes.

Connect with the Eccles community via the Office for Student Engagement & Belonging (SEB) and your Business Student Government.

Eccles Academic Advisor with student

Academic Advising

Undergraduate Advising Services (UAS) supports students in realizing their academic and personal potential.

Academic advisors partner with students to foster a deeper understanding of their academic programs and connect them with experiential opportunities to meet their goals and needs.

Business Career Coaches

Jumpstart your career with a visit to GARFF 1300. Career coaches can help you find your passions and strengths and channel them into your dream career.

Visit early and often to land internships with top companies and gain experience to set you on the right trajectory to land your dream job upon graduation.

Business Tutoring Center

The Business Tutoring Center is here to support you in your business core classes and many upper-division courses and ensure you are getting the full value of your Eccles Experience.

This free service is located on the first floor of SFEBB by the Undergraduate Lounge

Office for Student Engagement & Belonging

The Office of Student Engagement & Belonging (SEB) provides opportunities to build knowledge, skills, community, and cultural competency. It houses the Business Student GovernmentEccles Student OrganizationsIn A Pinch Pantry, and the Business Tutoring Center.

Utilizing data and assessment, SEB collaborates with the Eccles School leadership to enhance and optimize student services, support, and programming.

Business Student Government (BSG)

BSG is a dedicated team of student leaders that connect with students, advocate for student voice, and foster a strong Eccles student community.

Student Orgs

Find your community with 25+ business student organizations and clubs. Build leadership skills, network with companies and your peers, and make lifelong friends.

In A Pinch

The In A Pinch Pantry offers students free food and hygiene items and connects them to over 40 campus and community resources.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Eccles provides many scholarship opportunities awarded through our cohort programs, centers and institutes, and annual applications. Learn what scholarships and financial aid are available, how to apply, and important deadlines to get your slice of the pie.

First Ascent and Opportunity Scholars

The First Ascent Scholars and Opportunity Scholars programs support and enhance the educational experience of first-generation business students and those with significant financial need as they progress toward graduation.