Over the next couple of weeks, the BLinc team will introduce “Feature Fridays,” where you can learn a little more about each BLinc member, their role, hobbies, and interests outside the Eccles community. Follow our Instagram (eccles_blinc) to ensure you don’t miss when we feature our awesome team! Find a complete list of the 2022-23 BLinc Board here!

Jhareil Hutchinson

This Feature Friday is Jhareil Hutchinson! He uses He/Him pronouns and is the Director of Communications for BLinc. Within his role, Jhareil works closely with the marketing team to formulate blog posts, write and send emails and help build relationships within the Eccles School. Jhareil is majoring in Marketing with a minor in media studies. In his free time, Jhareil loves to watch basketball, go to the gym and go hiking.

When asked about his time with BLinc., Jhareil said, “I love the opportunity BLinc. has given me to be creative and tell stories. Being a part of BLinc. has exposed me to so many different cultures and viewpoints that help make the Eccles School what it is today!”

We love having you a part of the team Jhareil!

Jhareil Hutchinson acts as the Director of Communications for BLinc, the Business Student Government. He is a marketing major and also pursuing a media studies and entrepreneurship minor.

Josh Flickinger