Eccles Basic Needs Initiative
Our Mission
The In a Pinch Basic Need Initiative at the David Eccles School of Business, sponsored by Office of Student Engagement & Belonging, is dedicated to supporting students’ ability to fulfill their fundamental needs, encompassing access to food, housing, funding, mental health, and family resources.
By addressing the basic needs of our students, we aim to eliminate barriers that may impede their journey toward personal growth and academic achievement. ‘In a Pinch’ is driven by the belief that every Eccles student deserves the opportunity to thrive and excel, irrespective of their circumstances.
Join us as we embark on this transformative mission to uplift and enrich the lives of the Eccles School Student Body.
Our Vision
For all Eccles students to meet their basic needs, ensuring their ability to succeed academically, flourish socially, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and reach their full potential.
Why Basic Needs?
Basic needs are the necessities for survival, including food, shelter, sleep, water, and housing. College students across the nation struggle to meet their basic needs. As of July 2023, the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) confirmed this in their extensive research.
Students experiencing food insecurity*

Basic needs insecurity disproportionately affects minority students*

Students experiencing homelessness*

Students in our community are not exempt from these struggles. In fact, a survey conducted by Utahns Against Hunger found that 2 out of 5 students (40%) attending Universities and Colleges in Utah struggle to put food on the table.
The consequences of ignoring students’ basic needs are dire. According to the American Psychological Association, “The inability to meet basic needs has adverse consequences for their psychosocial outcomes and educational attainment including college completion, academic performance, concentration in class, class attendance, fear of disappointing family, sadness, hopelessness, isolation, embarrassment, and frustration.”
We at the David Eccles School of Business are committed to addressing these concerns. The In a Pinch initiative is a fundamental way to impact and support students facing insecurities.
Our Impact
What our students have to say

Thank you to our sponsors