Advising Resources
Below you’ll find links to several advising resources. Can’t find what you need? We’re here to help.
Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
The David Eccles School of Business offers nine majors, arming you with the essential skills to succeed in business. We also offer several minor programs to enhance your undergraduate experience in any major. You will find major-specific curriculum checklists within each major webpage.
Apply to Upper-Division at the Eccles School.
View our Eccles Repeat policy, learn how to add undergraduate business courses, etc. Click here.
Be prepared with important dates and deadlines by viewing the Academic Calendar regularly. Click here or go to CIS to view upcoming class schedules and access the General Catalog.
Peer Advisors are student leaders trained in advising to assist with quick questions, navigating CIS & registration, and referrals. Learn more about our drop-in times, online chat, events, and other ways our Peer Advising team is here to help you!
Click here to find Registrar’s Office Student Forms.
Degree Audit helps you stay on track for graduation. Click here.
We award more than $11 million in undergraduate scholarships annually and also fund programs to provide tuition assistance to student workers. Click here to learn what scholarships are available, how to apply, and important deadlines to get your slice of the pie.
The University of Utah has a GPA calculator to assist you in your academic journey.
In addition to a world-class education, the Eccles school provides a premier experience that includes a dedicated academic advisor, career coaches, internship opportunities, free tutoring, and more. Click here.
Explore opportunities and services to maximize your Undergraduate Eccles Experience.
Looking to connect with wellness, community and identity-based resources? Click here to learn more.
Our Mission
In Undergraduate Advising Services, your advisor will partner with you to co-create a plan to achieve your educational goals inside and outside of the classroom. We are a resource that guides your development and growth, and we encourage you to take ownership of your academic experience. We actively support students of all backgrounds and identities and have a commitment to all students fostering a sense of belonging.
Our Promise
Your advisor will be accessible to you through advising appointments. You will be able to book between 30 days (through April 27) and 24 hours in advance. Beginning April 28, you can book between 14 days and 24 hours in advance. Your advisor will respond to your emails within two business days and follow-up when needed.
Your advisor will be approachable and convey concern and unconditional positive regard for you and your unique interests. Your advisor will respect your personal values and aspirations.
Your advisor will be knowledgeable about academic programs, requirements, policies and procedures. Your advisor will provide information about available resources and refer when appropriate.
Your advisor will make a conscientious effort to get to know you and will partner with you to make decisions. Your advisor will encourage you to have autonomy and responsibility in decision-making.
Your Promise
Take ownership by being informed of the academic calendar and important dates. You are ultimately responsible for understanding academic requirements and university policies.
As a student, you are responsible for communicating your individual circumstances and participating in academic planning with your advisor.
In order to develop an individualized plan that fits your life and goals, engage and actively participate in your advising appointments. To fully benefit from advising, see your advisor each semester and arrive to each appointment prepared with questions, previous academic plans and past appointment notes.
Remain professional by keeping your advising appointments and arriving on time. If you need to reschedule, do so with adequate notice. During your appointment, refrain from distractions such as using your cell phone. Interact with your advisor and peer advisors using respect, consideration and civility. Communicate professionally both in-person and through email.