Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Internship

Daniels Fund

Internship + Elective Credit Course

The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Internship is a unique joint program offered by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative and Business Career Success. It is an elective 3-credit course taken concurrently with an internship for students majoring in Entrepreneurship (ENTP 5880), Management (MGT 5880), or Marketing (MKTG 4880).

Make an appointment with your Career Coach to learn more and set up your internship today!

Put your classroom theory into practice through professional work experience.

The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Rising Star Internship is deeply engaged, experiential learning. Earn credit, build strong professional relationships, and gain the real-world experience that gives you an edge as you launch your post-graduate career.

  • 54% of employers expect Ethical Judgment as a top ten skill for college grads.
  • 49% of employers are “much more likely” to hire a candidate who served an internship while in college.

(Source: AACU 2021 Employer report)

You may also receive a monetary award of up to $1,000 upon successful completion of the internship course and submission of a paper discussing the application of ethics in the workplace.

Hear From Our Alumni

Application Process

Before you begin the application process, meet with your Career Coach. For general questions, contact Jon Davis at jon.davis@eccles.utah.edu or (801) 587-9850.

Whether you have a current internship or need to find one, they will guide you through the application process.

Meet with your internship supervisor

Meet with your internship supervisor and discuss the Internship Acknowledgment Form. This form will provide your employer with an overview of the internship program and their responsibilities. It needs to be digitally signed and submitted by your employer.

When you receive the signed form from your supervisor, please forward it to your Career Coach.

Formulate four learning objectives

Formulate four personal Learning Objectives relevant to your career goals. A minimum of two objectives need to be ethics-based. Write these objectives as SMART goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Reportable
  • Time-sensitive

While this process may seem intimidating at the moment – don’t stress! Your Career Coach will workshop your objectives with you.

Final approval of your objectives will be made by professors in your respective major (Management, Stacey Overholt; Entrepreneurship, Abe Bakhsheshy; and Marketing, Paul Dowling.)

Tips for developing your learning objectives

  • Integrate the Daniels Fund Guiding Principles into developing your ethics-based objectives
  • Suggested prompts for developing your objectives
  • Examples of Ethics-Based Learning Objectives
  • Examples of Career Development Learning Objectives

Complete application

Upload the following documents for the application:

  1. A copy of the offer letter from your employer. The offer letter should be written on company letterhead and include the following information:
    • The student’s job title and formal job description
    • The number of hours per week the student will be working
    • The proposed time period of employment (from what date to what date)
    • The name, address, and phone number of the student’s immediate supervisor
    • Signed by a representative of the company
  2. The four learning objectives developed with your supervisor
  3. A copy of your current My Degree Dashboard (with cumulative and major GPA)
  4.  A current copy of your resume

Register for your course

After your application is approved, register for your course:

You can register through the first day of class. For any questions, as well as help finding an internship, please contact your Career Coach.

Digital Storytelling Final Project

Throughout your internship, you will work on a Digital Storytelling project. This project will be shared at a Video Viewing Party during the last week of class. Watch the video below for an award-winning example!