Career Line
Mike Anderson
Professor (Lecturer)
Bonita Austin
Professor (Lecturer)
Abe Bakhsheshy
Professor (Lecturer) & Director, Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative
Quentin Baldwin
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Jamie Bay
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Lee Boam
Professor (Lecturer)
Jeff Brazell
Professor (Lecturer) of Marketing and Director of the Center for Strategic Analytics
Paul Brown
The James Lee Sorenson Presidential Endowed Chair & Professor (Lecturer)
Marci Butterfield
Associate Professor and Lecturer
Kathryn Cañas
Professor (Lecturer)
Shannon Leanne Charles
Professor (Lecturer)
Jennifer Cummings
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Gabby Cunningham
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Chris Dansie
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Jeff Davis
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Rodrigo Dominguez
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Paul Dowling
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Robert Dubil
Professor (Lecturer)
Tim Fullmer
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Lindsey Gibson
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Byoung-gyu Gong
Assistant Professor
John Gordon
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Kathy Hajeb
Professor (Lecturer) & Lassonde Faculty Director
Gohar Harutyunyan
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Miao He
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
John Henriksen
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Derek Hoff
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Joseph Horton
Jeff Jensen
Faculty and Director, MHA Online
Brian Johnson
Program Director, Masters of Science in Finance (MSF); Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Rand Kerr
Faculty and Program Director, MHA
Hak-Yoon Kim
Assistant Professor
Sunghee Kim
Assistant Professor
Lynn Leary-Meyers
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Gene Levinzon
Associate Professor (Lecturer), Director of Undergraduate Fintech Program
Michael Lewis
Assistant Dean, Finance and Operations; Professor (Lecturer), School of Accounting
Robert Lutz
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Tamara Masters
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Jeff Nielsen
Professor (Lecturer)
Bill Oakley
Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Director of AdThing
Chong Oh
Professor (Lecturer), Academic Director of MSIS and Director of Undergraduate IS Program
Stacey Overholt
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Anne Palmer
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Mark Parker
Associate Dean, Academic Programs; Professor (Lecturer), Department of Operations and Information Systems
Tony Passey
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Geoffrey Pears
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Aaron Phillips
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Scott Pickett
Professor (Lecturer)
Georgi Rausch
Professor (Lecturer)
Alan Sandomir
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Rita Schwisow
Adjunct Instructor
Glenn Seninger
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Junseok Song
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Sankar Srinivasan
Professor and Lecturer of Information Systems
Sue Sundar
Director Operations & Supply Chain Program; Professor (Lecturer)
Andrea Thomas
Professor (Lecturer)
Aditi Vashist
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Brad Vierig
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Executive Education
Danny Wall
Faculty, Program Director
Stephen Walston
Faculty and Director, Master of Healthcare Management Program
Ruchi M. Watson
Managing Director, Goff Strategic Leadership Center; Professor (Lecturer)
George W. "Buzz" Welch
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Alayna Williamson
Associate Professor (Lecture)
Mary Paige Witt
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
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