The Eccles School of Business faculty are world leaders in their respective areas of research, and are continually breaking ground on innovative ideas. Faculty are strongly committed to working closely with Ph.D. students. We pride ourselves on having a student-to-faculty ratio that is one-on-one, so that each student can gain hands-on experience of what it takes to be an excellent researcher, leading scholar, and star in the classroom. Faculty regularly collaborate with Ph.D. students on research projects and provide guidance, support, and encouragement throughout your doctoral journey.
“It is a joy, not just teaching and mentoring our Phd students, but also learning with them, be it in terms of new theories or methods! Our PhD Program provides students an amazing opportunity to fulfill their research and teaching goals with high-quality faculty support, several behavioral labs, high-end computing facilities, a generous stipend and research account, and of course the fantastic quality of life in the beautiful mountains of Salt Lake City.”
— Professor Arul Mishra
“The design of the Eccles Ph.D. program allows doctoral students to quickly immerse in academic life under the supervision of a diverse and accomplished group of research faculty. In this environment, students thrive by providing support and contributing to the body of research that Eccles faculty are known for.”
— Assistant Professor Elena Patel
“The faculty and the culture drew me to the program. I was very impressed with our faculty’s publishing record in general and also that they published with students. Second, when I visited, I was very impressed with the collegial culture among the PhD students. The PhD student group is very supportive both personally and professionally.”
—Kate Coll, PhD Student
“The best way to learn research is working side-by-side with faculty through all stages of a project. I try to begin working with students early in their program, so we have time to make significant progress before graduation. Our students have proven more than capable of making meaningful contributions to research projects during their time in our program. ”
— Associate Professor Steve Stubben
“Eccles has one of the best faculty groups in the US. If you want to learn how to do impactful, relevant, research, this is the place to get your PhD.
I regularly watched the faculty go above and beyond for students in very meaningful ways. From working with students as mentors and helping them identify unique opportunities to joining them on papers as co-authors the faculty has a very student-centric approach to PhD education.
The faculty is right there with you as you go through highs and lows and that makes a huge difference for your PhD experience.”
—Austin Hill-Kleespie, Recent PhD Graduate
Recent Faculty-PhD Collaborations
Ferracuti, Ella, and Stubben, Stephen. “The Role of Financial Reporting in Resolving Uncertainty about Corporate Investment Opportunities.” Journal of Accounting and Economics. November 2019.
Kim, Won, and Stubben, Stephen. “Overview of U.S. State and Local Government Financial Reporting: A Reference for Academic Research.” Forthcoming, Accounting Horizons.
Ma, Matthew, Pan, Jing, and Stubben, Stephen. “The Effect of Local Tournament Incentives on Firms’ Performance, Risk-Taking Decisions, and Financial Reporting Decisions.” The Accounting Review. March 2020.
Adam Meirowitz, and Shaoting Pi. “Voting and Trading: The Shareholder’s Dilemma.” Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 146, Issue 3, December 2022, Pages 1073-1096.
Heath, Davidson, and Christopher Mace. “The strategic effects of trademark protection.” Review of Financial Studies 33, no. 4 (2020): 1848-1877.
Sandvik, Jason J., Richard E. Saouma, Nathan T. Seegert, and Christopher T. Stanton. “Workplace knowledge flows.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 135, no. 3 (2020): 1635-1680.
Brogaard, Jonathan, and Jing Pan. “Dark pool trading and information acquisition.” Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
Wang, Yang, Ramachandran, Vandana, and Sheng, Olivia R. Liu. “Do Fit Opinions Matter? The Impact of Fit Context on Online Product Returns.” Information Systems Research, Vol 32, No. 1, pp. 268-289, January 2021.
X. Fang, Y. Gao, and P. J. Hu, “A Prescriptive Analytics Method for Cost Reduction in Clinical Decision Making,” Management Information Systems Quarterly, Vol.45, No.1, pp. 83-115, March 2021.
Q. Sheng, P. J. Hu, X. Liu, T. Huang, and Y. Chen, “Predictive Analytics for Caring and Managing Acute Disease Patients: A Deep Learning–Based Method to Predict Crucial Complications Phenotypes,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol.23, No.2, e18372, February 2021.
Dodson, S., Goodwin, R.D., Graham, J., & Diekmann, K.A. 2023. “Moral foundations, himpathy, and punishment following organizational sexual misconduct allegations.” Organization Science.
Rapp, D.J., Hughey, J.M., & Kreiner, G.E. 2023. “Dirty heroes? Healthcare workers’ experience of mixed social evaluations during the pandemic.” Academy of Management Journal.
Bain, K., Kreps, T.A., Meikle, N.L. & Tenney, E.R. 2021. “Amplifying voice in organizations. Academy of Management Journal.”
Rapp, D., Hughey, M., & Kreiner, G.E. “Boundary work as a buffer against burnout: Evidence from healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.” Journal of Applied Psychology
Bonner, B. L., Shannahan, D., Bain, K., Coll, K., & Meikle, N. L. “The theory and measurement of expertise-based decision making in organizational teams: Revisiting task demonstrability.” Organization Science
DeFranza, David, Mike Lindow, Kevin Harrison, Arul Mishra, and Himanshu Mishra. “Religion and reactance to COVID-19 mitigation guidelines.” American Psychologist.
Shelly Rathee, Himanshu Mishra, and Arul Mishra. “The Perils of Leading a Democracy.” The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, forthcoming.
Keith A. Botner, Arul Mishra, and Himanshu Mishra. “The Influence of the Phonetic Elements of a Name on Risk Assessment.” Journal of Consumer Research, 47(1), 128-145.
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