lassonde entrepreneur institute

Eccles School Fashion Week Show

Dozens of students rush to set up chairs, fold programs, check lights, audio, and get camera-ready in the moments leading up to Eccles School Fashion Week. Hurried, but calm efforts, led by the Eccles School’s own Dylan Conklin, rapidly shape the Bill & Pat Child Family Community Hall into a proper runway bordered by neat lines of chairs, programs and anticipation-filled guests. Nervous energy aside, [...]

2017-12-20T10:07:36-07:00February 17th, 2017|

$45 million Lassonde Studios officially opens its doors

Lassonde Studios, a unique facility where student live, create new companies and launch products officially celebrated its opening on Sept. 22. The space includes a 20,000-square-foot innovations space, which includes workbenches, group co-working areas, 3-D printers, laser cutter, power tools and more, open to all University of Utah students. The rest of the 160,000-square-foot facility is dedicated housing space for 400 students. Read more [...]

2016-09-23T10:49:29-06:00September 23rd, 2016|

Lassonde Studios featured in The New York Times article on the innovative campus

Lassonde Studios is featured in today's education section of The New York Times along with another building funded by Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute benefactor, Pierre Lassonde. The article talks about innovation and entrepreneurship on college campuses and includes the University of Utah along with Cornell, MIT, Northwestern and Stanford. Read the complete article, The Innovation Campus: Building Better Ideas, here.

2016-08-04T09:07:03-06:00August 4th, 2016|

Eccles Student Spotlight: Entrepreneur Trapper Roderick

Editor’s Note: This series profiles students at the Eccles School to highlight their achievements and to inspire their peers as they pursue different career paths and academic opportunities. Trapper Roderick is a David Eccles School of Business student studying Entrepreneurship. Apart from being a full-time student, he also started his own company called True Gentleman Suit Supply, which makes custom suits for modern men. [...]

2017-12-20T10:08:23-07:00September 22nd, 2015|

Student Spotlight: Entrepreneur Alex Carr

Editor’s Note: This series profiles students at the Eccles School to highlight their achievements and to inspire their peers as they pursue different career paths and academic opportunities. Alex Carr is a senior at the University of Utah studying Multi-Disciplinary Design & Entrepreneurship. Apart from being a full-time student, he also has started a successful company called CharPoles. Eccles School: What made you choose [...]

2017-12-20T10:08:25-07:00September 10th, 2015|

Pac-12 network features Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute

The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute recently was featured in the Pac-12 network documentary “Conference of Champions.” The University of Utah section focuses on student entrepreneurship and innovation, looking closely at the company Blyncsy, started by student Mark Pittman. Blyncsy is able to track the movements of people using signals from cell phones. The U. has implemented the system to track movements at Rice-Eccles Stadium so [...]

2017-12-20T10:08:31-07:00June 10th, 2015|

Ideas abound at University of Utah Shark Tank auditions

Playing with fire? Pizza onesies? Custom soccer cleats? State-of-the art back scratchers? Ear muffs for babies? Just another day at the office for the David Eccles School of Business and the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute. Recently, the two partnered to host Shark Tank auditions for U community members to try for a chance to land on the popular ABC show. Shark Tank is a reality [...]

2015-04-22T15:50:35-06:00April 22nd, 2015|

Audition for Shark Tank at the Eccles School

Get ready, business enthusiasts! ABC’s “Shark Tank” is coming to the University of Utah for auditions. Shark Tank is an Emmy-winning, business-themed reality show where entrepreneurs can present their existing business or business ideas to a group of venture capitalists (five self-made millionaire and billionaire investors) for the purpose of striking a deal to acquire funding to grow, save or jumpstart their business. Among [...]

2015-04-02T10:22:08-06:00April 2nd, 2015|

Student startup wins $40K in Utah Entrepreneur Challenge

This past weekend, student entrepreneurs battled it out for a $40,000 grand prize in the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge. While there were many amazing companies pitched during the event, SimpleCitizen was named the grand-prize winner. The startup provides an online service to help immigrants obtain a green card. To read more about SimpleCitizen and the other great student startups that competed, click here. What is your [...]

2015-03-31T12:04:36-06:00March 31st, 2015|

Searching for the Lassonde 400

—The University of Utah is looking for the Lassonde 400 — the 400 best and brightest student entrepreneurs to live at Lassonde Studios, opening the fall of 2016. The Lassonde Studios will feature workspace areas for students, including free access to 3D printers and space to start a company as part of the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute. Check out what the studios have to offer [...]

2015-03-23T08:42:50-06:00March 23rd, 2015|
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