Department of Operations and Information Systems
Sadegh Abolhasani
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Rohit Aggarwal
Professor; David Eccles Emerging Scholar
Syd Hashem Alavi
Ph.D. Candidate
Krishnan Anand
David Eccles Professor, Faculty Scholar, Faculty Fellow, & Emerging Scholar
Nitin Bakshi
Chair and Professor, Department of Operations and Information Systems; David Eccles Faculty Fellow
Mike Boyle
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Laurie Bragg
Associate Program Director, Information Systems
Kathy Brothers
Graduate Coordinator II
Cathy Brown
Associate Director, Student Services
Aubrey Bullough
Sizhe (Jasmine) Chen
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Chris Dansie
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Joseph Dunbar
Ph.D. Student
Hamid Firoozfar
Ph.D. Student
Byoung-gyu Gong
Assistant Professor
John Gordon
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Manu Goyal
David Eccles Associate Professor, Emerging Scholar, & Faculty Fellow
Eryn He
Assistant Professor
Joseph Horton
Sepideh Hosseini
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Paul Hu
E.R. Dumke Jr. Presidential Endowed Chair in Business; Assistant Dean, Programs in Asia
Woonam Hwang
Assistant Professor
Jeff Jensen
Faculty and Director, MHA Online
Steven Johnson
Adjunct Instructor
Bharadwaj Kadiyala
Assistant Professor
Rand Kerr
Faculty and Program Director, MHA
Rich McKeown
Executive in Residence
Henner Mohr
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Anna Morrison
Administrative Assistant
Dave Norwood
Associate Professor
Jaelynn Oh
Assistant Professor
Chong Oh
Professor (Lecturer), Academic Director of MSIS and Director of Undergraduate IS Program
Mark Parker
Associate Dean, Academic Programs; Professor (Lecturer), Department of Operations and Information Systems
Matt Pecsok
Assistant Professor
Jiaxuan Peng
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Nabita Penmetsa
Assistant Professor
Stanford Pugsley
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Yu Qin
Ph.D. Student
Vandana Ramachandran
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Jackie Rees
Associate Director
Ben Repak
Adjunct Instructor
Dana Romero
Ph.D. Student
Sarah Strzalka
Department Coordinator
Glen Schmidt
Sankar Srinivasan
Professor and Lecturer of Information Systems
Sue Sundar
Director Operations & Supply Chain Program; Professor (Lecturer)
Miles Thacker
Academic Advisor
Stephen Walston
Faculty and Director, Master of Healthcare Management Program
Don Wardell
Professor; David Eccles Faculty Scholar; Francis A. Madsen Scholar
Eric Wu
Ph.D. Student
Yu Zhu
Ph.D. Student
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