
Eccles School launches postdoctoral program in Entrepreneurship & Strategy

The Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business launched a new postdoctoral fellowship program with the hire of Maria Kurakina, a young scholar with a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business. Postdoctoral programs provide recent Ph.D. graduates with an opportunity to grow their expertise and publish original research, while also [...]

2023-03-16T17:32:29-06:00September 29th, 2020|

How IS 4410 helped prepare me for a marketing career

With the world moving so rapidly toward technology and merging it within the business world, there is going to be an increase in jobs within the IS and IT field. As a business student who is pursuing a Marketing degree, we are required to take an Information Systems course as a part of our undergrad. I am currently taking IS 4410 during [...]

2018-06-18T11:06:51-06:00June 18th, 2018|

15 Ways for Women to Address Likability vs Competency Dilemma

Likeability versus competency. It's a dilemma almost every woman in the workplace struggles to balance. Attendees at the most recent Women in Business luncheon got some fantastic tips on striking that balance from Dr. Patricia Gorman, Managing Director of Goff Strategic Leadership Center. Gorman spoke to a full room about ways women can become strategic leaders in their careers. The lecture was jam-packed [...]

2023-03-16T18:19:34-06:00March 16th, 2018|
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