Eccles Leadership Team

Kurt Dirks
Kurt DirksDean, Professor of Leadership
Katie Hoffman Abby
Katie Hoffman AbbyVice President, U Career Success; Assistant Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Katie Amundsen
Katie AmundsenAssistant Dean, Alumni Relations and Development
Jennifer Brown
Jennifer BrownSenior Associate Dean of Faculty; Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy; H. Brent Beesley Endowed Professor
Michael Lewis
Michael LewisAssistant Dean, Finance and Operations; Professor (Lecturer), School of Accounting
Mark Parker
Mark ParkerAssociate Dean, Academic Programs; Professor (Lecturer), Department of Operations and Information Systems
Catherine Smith
Catherine SmithSenior Director, Marketing and Communications
Stephen Stubben
Stephen StubbenSenior Associate Dean, Research; Professor, School of Accounting; Francis Armstrong Madsen Endowed Professor
Jess Taverna
Jess TavernaAssociate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Brad Vierig
Brad VierigAssociate Dean, Graduate Programs and Executive Education
Troy D’Ambrosio
Troy D’AmbrosioVice President for Innovation; Executive Director, Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute; Assistant Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Natalie Gochnour
Natalie Gochnour Director, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute; Associate Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Tara Hardison
Tara HardisonAssistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Nitin Bakshi
Nitin BakshiChair and Professor, Department of Operations and Information Systems; David Eccles Faculty Fellow
Brian Cadman
Brian CadmanChair and Professor, School of Accounting; David Eccles Professor
Stephen J. Carson
Stephen J. CarsonChair and Professor, Department of Marketing; David Eccles Professor
Mike Cooper
Mike CooperChair and Professor, Department of Finance; A. Blaine Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Finance
Kristina Diekmann
Kristina DiekmannChair and Professor, Department of Management; Angus T. Shearer Jr. Endowed Professor of Ethics & Professor of Management
Bill Hesterly
Bill HesterlyChair and Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy; Dumke Family Presidential Endowed Chair in Honor of Katherine W. And E.R. Dumke, Jr.; Daniels Fund Initiative Professor of Ethics
Scott Schaefer
Scott SchaeferChair and Professor, Division of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations; John W. McIntyre Family Endowed Chair for Free Market Economics