What happens after you submit your part-time MBA Application?

You’ve decided to get your MBA. You’ve done the research. You’ve chosen the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, and you just clicked submit on your application. So, what happens now?

Phone Call

The first thing you can expect after you submit your application is a phone call from an admissions advisor. The advisor will let you know if we’ve received all of your application materials and will address any issues that might have popped up during the application process. If your application is incomplete, we’ll hold on to your materials until the remaining pieces arrive, (i.e. standardized test scores or letters of recommendation).

Schedule Interview

Once we have all your application materials, we will call to set up an interview. The interview will be done in-person or, if you don’t live locally, via video conference. Once we’ve nailed down a time to meet, we’ll send you an email confirming the date and time that will also include parking instructions, (or login instructions in the case of a video interview.)


Your interview will last around 30-45 minutes. In terms of dress, we recommend business professional.  Although this is a professional interview, don’t think of it as a formal job interview. Instead, think of it as our chance to get to know you.  Our goal is to become more familiar with you as an MBA candidate and to dive deeper into your application materials. This is your opportunity to give your application a voice. You should be prepared to talk about your academic background, especially your quantitative experience and any weak points in your academic career. We will also delve more into your work experience, including where you started out in your career, where you are now, and where you hope to be in the future. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask us any questions you may have. This interview is your time to shine and to portray yourself in the best way possible.

Admissions Committee

After the interview, we bring your profile to the admissions committee. The admissions committee makes the final decision on whether or not you will be admitted into the program, and is typically composed of eight to 10 members that include a dean of the business school, program directors, MBA faculty members and additional admissions staff as needed. Some of these members remain constant while others rotate. Your profile is presented to the committee by the coordinator who interviewed you. This person will act as your advocate and representative during the meeting.


Once a decision has been made, you’ll be contacted via phone call and/or email. Because applications for the part-time MBA programs are accepted on a rolling basis, the admissions committee meets frequently. This means, generally speaking, that you should know whether you are accepted into the program within about two weeks of your interview date.

If you have specific questions about the MBA program or application, please contact the MBA Online Program at 801-587-8870 or MBAOnline@utah.edu, the Professional MBA program at 801-581-6836 or PMBA@Utah.edu, or the Executive MBA program at 801-581-5577 or EMBA@Utah.edu.

To start your MBA application click here.

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