
The Eccles School wants to hear from you!

Did you just get out of a mind-blowing class with a professor and want to let someone know about it? Do you have a question about where you can get some free tutoring for that upcoming exam? Can someone make your life a little easier at school? We want to hear from you! Visit to let us know what we can do to [...]

2015-09-01T07:57:42-06:00September 1st, 2015|

5 lessons learned from the Women’s Speed Networking event

Angela Vannarath, vice president of membership for the Undergraduate Women in Business Club, is a finance major who is currently a Business Scholar at the Eccles School. She recently attended the Speed Networking event co-hosted by the Undergraduate Women in Business Club and the Women’s Tech Council. Here is what she took away from the event. I attended the Speed Networking event because as [...]

2017-12-20T10:08:35-07:00April 24th, 2015|
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