Lassonde Entrepreneur Center

Eccles students launch cold brew coffee company from their basement

Krum is bringing cold brew coffee to the masses. Three Eccles School students recently set out to make a cold brew coffee option that was affordable, natural, and delicious. With the help of the entrepreneurial resources at the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, they were able to start a company that has now sold hundreds of items. Learn more about how they got started and where [...]

2021-03-01T10:37:23-07:00March 1st, 2021|

Eccles School helps create Music 4 Healing project

The power of music can’t be overstated. It stirs emotions, helps us relate to the world — and it can even reawaken memories in people who thought they had lost them forever. The Music 4 Healing project is aimed at helping patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive and physical disabilities regain some of their memories. The project was started by the Lassonde [...]

2015-02-25T09:06:25-07:00February 25th, 2015|
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