
Day 2: Eccles Ambassadors’ adventure in Guatemala!

Editor's Note: The David Eccles School of Business Ambassadors traveled to Guatemala for a cultural experience during Spring Break 2016. This is a series of 12 journal entries detailing their experiences. This experience was written by Claire Harless.  Day 2 (March 12):When morning rolled around, three of us were up and ready at 6 a.m. to search for monkeys. We drove a little boat [...]

2017-12-20T10:07:59-07:00May 17th, 2016|

Eccles Ambassadors’ adventure in Guatemala!

Editor's Note: The David Eccles School of Business Ambassadors traveled to Guatemala for a cultural experience during Spring Break 2016. This is a series of 12 journal entries detailing their experiences.  This Spring break, eight of the Eccles Ambassadors got to travel to the beautiful country of Guatemala. Along with John Nixon — the CFO of the University of Utah — and Alejandra Rivas de [...]

2017-12-20T10:08:00-07:00May 16th, 2016|
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