Jumpstarting your next step: MBA Essentials course makes it easy

By now you’ve heard the benefits of getting your MBA – increase income opportunity, a better career path, and expanding your network, but perhaps you have lingering concerns. Maybe you have thought of pursuing an MBA, but you’re just not sure what’s expected in the classroom. The MBA Essentials program at the David Eccles School of Business invites you to take seven nights to explore the possibilities of returning to campus to develop your professional skills and advance your career.

Scott Kingdon, president of Enisin International, Inc. and a current Executive MBA student was in that exact place.

“I had already been accepted to the EMBA program when I decided to take the MBA Essentials course,” Kingdon explains. “I attended the MBA Essentials course to prepare myself. My formal academic background does not include business. I am a linguist and computer programmer. Needless to say, I was nervous about starting the EMBA program without some introduction to the material.”

The MBA Essentials class is taught by the same distinguished faculty who teach in the University of Utah’s highly ranked Part-time MBA programs, and they lead students through a combination of lecture, case study, role-playing, and group work. Each evening session is designed to take an in-depth look at key business components including leadership, communication, operations, marketing, and accounting. The focus is on providing tools that can be put to immediate use when you return to the office the next day.

Kingdon says he gained more confidence. “Dr. Bakhsheshy’s module on ‘Leadership & Management’ helped me overcome a lot of concerns I had about being the leader of a company,” he said. “After attending this module I not only knew how, but why I would be a leader.”

“I was also impressed with the ‘Negotiations’ module,” he added. “This module presented negotiations in a way that was immediately applicable to many situations in life, whether that be negotiating salaries, benefits, contracts, business agreements or everyday business decisions. This module forever changed and improved the way I handle negotiations.”

The MBA Essentials course is a professional development program to help you advance your career and help you overcome some stumbling blocks to launch you further, faster. Kingdon agrees, saying “As a business owner, I would recommend anybody who does not have a formal background in business attend this course. It will positively change the direction of your business. It will put you on the road to success. Just do it for the step up in business you desire.” The seven-night course is also designed to help you take the next step to obtain an MBA.

Another advantage to the MBA Essentials course beyond developing your business acumen is that a portion of your tuition can be applied towards any one of our three part-time MBA programs including our newest, the MBA Online program. “The ability to apply $2,000 of the MBA Essentials fee toward my tuition was the deciding factor to sign up,” Kingdon said.

The course is open to all professionals, so you can also invest in your employees who are ready to take on the next challenge in their career. Contact the Executive Education department to find out about group and corporate discounts. Registration is now open for the spring MBA Essentials program. Find out more information online or call 801-587-7273. We look forward to seeing you in the classroom!

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