Master of Business Creation
Bonita Austin
Professor (Lecturer)
Lyda Bigelow
Academic Director of MBC Programs, Pierre Lassonde Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Paul Brown
The James Lee Sorenson Presidential Endowed Chair & Professor (Lecturer)
Jennifer Cummings
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Troy D’Ambrosio
Vice President for Innovation; Executive Director, Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute; Assistant Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Jeff Davis
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Bill Hesterly
Chair and Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy; Dumke Family Presidential Endowed Chair in Honor of Katherine W. And E.R. Dumke, Jr.; Daniels Fund Initiative Professor of Ethics
Jamileh Jameson
Administrative Manager
Glen Kreiner
Chair of the Department of Management; Professor
Regina Mavis
Director of Admissions
Tony Passey
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Taft Price
Professor (Clinical)
Gregg Rosann
Associate Instructor
Todd Zenger
Presidential Professor of Strategy and Strategic Leadership & N. Eldon Tanner Chair
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