Department of Marketing
Ye Bai
Ph.D. Student
Sachin Banker
Assistant Professor
Ron Beckstrom
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Jeff Brazell
Professor (Lecturer) of Marketing and Director of the Center for Strategic Analytics
Stephen Carson
Chair and Professor, Department of Marketing; David Eccles Professor
Promothesh Chatterjee
Tenure-Track Faculty
Leah Christen
Administrative Program Coordinator
Jeff Davis
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
David Dolifka
Paul Dowling
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Iman Goodarzi
Ph.D. Student
Abbie Griffin
Royal L. Garff Presidential Chair in Marketing; Professor
Tianyu Gu
Assistant Professor
Surabhi Jain
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Seong Joo Lee
Ph.D. Student
Michael Lindow
Ph.D. Student
Tamara Masters
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Arul Mishra
David Eccles Professor of Marketing, Faculty Fellow, & Emerging Scholar
Himanshu Mishra
David Eccles Professor of Marketing, Faculty Fellow & Emerging Scholar
Kevin Mukai
Adjunct Instructor
Bill Oakley
Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Director of AdThing
Sidney Pack
Administrative Program Coordinator
Joowon Park
Assistant Professor
Tony Passey
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Teresa Pavia
Associate Professor Emeritus
Alan Sandomir
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Debra Scammon
Emma Eccles Jones Professor
Rita Schwisow
Adjunct Instructor
Glenn Seninger
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Wenkai Song
Graduate Assistant / PhD Student
Hongye Sun
Ph.D. Student
Andrea Thomas
Professor (Lecturer)
Jeff Webb
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Alisa Wu
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