Department of Finance
Mike Anderson
Professor (Lecturer)
Elena Asparouhova
Francis A. Madsen Professor of Finance; Daniels Professor of Ethics
Blake Bauman
Associate Instructor
David Bauman
Associate Instructor
Jonathan Brogaard
Kendall D. Garff Chaired Professor
Annette Clark
Administrative Manager
Jeffrey L. Coles
Samuel S. Stewart, Jr. Presidential Chair in Business David Eccles Chair & Professor of Finance
Mike Cooper
Chair and Professor, Department of Finance; A. Blaine Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department of Finance
Amy Cyr
Ph.D. Student
C. Kinkade Darling
Adjunct Instructor
Peter Davidson
Video Editor
Robert Dubil
Professor (Lecturer)
Tim Fullmer
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Andra Ghent
Arman Goudarzi
Ph.D. Student
Runyao Guo
Ph.D. Student
Jaehee Han
Ph.D. Student
Miao He
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Davidson Heath
Assistant Professor
Mark Jansen
Assistant Professor
Brian Johnson
Program Director, Masters of Science in Finance (MSF); Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Avner Kalay
Francis A. Madsen & Blaine Huntsman Professor of Finance
Hanjun Kim
Ph.D. Student
Lynn Leary-Meyers
Assistant Professor (Lecturer)
Gene Levinzon
Associate Professor (Lecturer), Director of Undergraduate Fintech Program
Fan Li
Ph.D. Student
Jiacui Li
Assistant Professor
Chenhui (Sabrina) Ling
Ph.D. Student
Karl Lins
Spencer Fox Eccles Chair in Banking and Professor of Finance
Jiayi Liu
Ph.D. Student
Tim Liu
Assistant Professor
Robert Lutz
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Regina Mavis
Director of Admissions
Jennifer McConnell
Academic Program Manager
Vasudha Nair
Ph.D. Student
Paige Nelson
Ph.D. Student
Yihui Pan
Associate Professor; David Eccles Faculty Fellow & Emerging Scholar
Matthew Ringgenberg
Professor; David Eccles Faculty Fellow
Jim Schallheim
Richard T. Pratt Professor of Finance
Nathan Seegert
Associate Professor; David Eccles Emerging Scholar
Chong Shu
Assistant Professor
Elizabeth Tashjian
Mary Tietje
Administrative Assistant
Ryan Voges
Ph.D. Student
Danny Wall
Faculty, Program Director
George W. "Buzz" Welch
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Alayna Williamson
Associate Professor (Lecture)
Jeffrey Yang
Ph.D. Student
Peter Young Won
Ph.D. Student
Yuchen Zhang
Ph.D. Student
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