Ethics Awards
The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business sponsors an annual award program to acknowledge faculty and/or staff for their significant contributions to ethics education.
The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative welcomes applications from across campus. Applications are due March 1, 2024.
Daniels Fund Ethics Awards are given to those who significantly enhance the teaching of ethics in their classes and/or engage with student organizations to foster the involvement of students in ethical issues. In each case, the award recognizes the incremental contribution to ethics education both inside and outside of the classroom.
These awards are for the 2022-2023 academic year, not for courses/contributions that are proposed for future delivery. Faculty members can self-nominate. Applications are due March 1, 2024.

Leadership in Eccles School, Daniels Fund Ethics Education Award
This award category is for the promotion of ethics education in the context of academic courses taught at the University of Utah. The course syllabus should indicate clearly the ethics-related learning objectives.
- New undergraduate or graduate ethics courses
- New interdisciplinary courses with substantial ethics contents
- Innovative and creative pedagogy in teaching ethics or ethics-related courses
- Inclusion of ethics module(s) in a full semester course
- Creation of new cases, exercises or assignments for a full semester course
- Design and delivery of new ethics modules for short programs (e.g. executive/continuing education)
Various Contributions to the Eccles School, Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Award
This award category is for the promotion of ethics education outside the context of courses taught at the University of Utah.
- Facilitating education efforts such as ethics internships
- Contributions to Daniels Fund Ethics Initiatives lecture series, assessment tools or public relations
- Contributions to student engagement such as coaching ethics case competitions or establishing and advising students’ ethics-related clubs
- Speaking engagements at other educational institutions or academic conferences
- Speaking engagements for corporations, nonprofits and government agencies in Utah