Lyda Bigelow
Academic Director of MBC Programs, Pierre Lassonde Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Master of Business Creation
Faculty, Tenure Track
Professor Bigelow’s research focuses on how firms and entrepreneurs successfully navigate industry dynamics. Her work examines the impact of efficient boundary decisions on firm performance, the enduring effect of entry strategies, as well as the trade-offs of managing efficient sourcing arrangements under conditions of rapid technological innovation. Her most recent work compares how incumbents and new entrants respond to innovation shocks. She also has a current project surveying early-stage founders’ financial decisions across countries, including developing countries. Her work has appeared in top journals including the Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science and she has won Best Paper awards from both the Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management Divisions of the Academy of Management. Prior to pursuing her academic career, she worked in investment banking in the corporate finance area. Lyda currently serves as a member of the Editorial Board of several top journals and is an Associate Editor at the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Prior to joining the faculty of the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, she was a strategy professor at the John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis where she was awarded the Reid Teaching award twice. She has also earned the Full Time Teaching Award here at Eccles. She received her MBA from Wharton and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.
Women Tech Council Leadership Award. Women Tech Council, 10/2012
David Eccles Emerging Scholar. David Eccles School of Business, 2010
Ph.D. (2000) Business Administration University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business.
M.B.A. ( 1991) Finance and Management Concentration. University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School of Business.
B.A. (1985) English and Economics Concentration. Wellesley College.
Professional Service
Journal of Management. Editorial Board. 01/2014 – present
Strategic Management Society. Representative-at-Large CSIG. 01/2013 – 01/2015
Women Tech Council. Board Member. 2010 – 2011
Strategic Management Journal. Board Member. 2009 – present
Academy of Management, BPS. Role: Member. Research Committee. 2008 – 2010
International Journal of Strategic Change Management. Board Member. 2007 – present
Internal Service
Social and Behavioral Science Gen Ed Committee. 09/2012 – 12/2013. University service.
PhD Coordinator for Strategy. PhD Coordinator, Strategy, 09/2010 – 09/2015. Department service.
DESB Strategic Planning, Faculty Productivity. Member, 2010 – 2010. College service.
Seminar Series Coodinator. Coordinator of Strategy Speaker Series, 09/2009 – 09/2015. Department service.
College Council. Member, 2009 – 2010. College service.
Management Dept, Library Liason – Act as coordinator between Marriott Library and the Management Dept to address needs or concerns regarding journals and other research relevant material. Library Liason, 2007 – present. Department service.
Advisory Board Member, Women Tech Council. 09/2010 – 09/2015
Lyda Bigelow & Nicholas Argyres and Jackson Nickerson (2014). Dominant Designs, Innovation Shocks, and the Follower’s Dilemma. Strategic Management Journal. Discipline based – refereed, Accepted, 01/2014.
Lyda Bigelow (2013). Make-or- Buy Decisions: Applications to Strategy Research . Palgrave. Discipline based – other, Pending, 01/2013.
Lyda Bigelow, Leif Lundmark, Judi McLean Parks & Robert Wuebker (2012). Skirting the Issues: Experimental Evidence of Gener Bias in IPO Prospectus Evaluations. Journal of Management. Discipline based – refereed, Accepted, 02/2012.
Lyda Bigelow, & Todd Zenger and Teppo Felin. (2011) Theories of the Firm-Market Boundary. Academy of Management Annals. In press, 06/2011.
Lyda Bigelow, & Nicholas Argyres. (2010) Innovation, Modularity and Vertical De-Integration: Evidence from the Early U.S. Auto Industry. Organization Science. Accepted, 09/2010.
Lyda Bigelow (2010) Beyond Make-or- Buy: Advances in Transaction Cost Economics. Sage Publications. Accepted, 06/2010.
Bigelow, L., & Jackson A. Nickerson. (2008). New Institutional Economics, Organization, and Strategy. (pp. 183-208). Cambridge University Press. Discipline based – other, Published, 2008.
Bigelow, L., & Nicholas Argyres. (2008). Make-or-Buy Revisited: A Population-Wide Test of Transaction Cost Alignment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 66, 791-807. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2008.
Bigelow, L., & Nicholas Argyres. (2007). Do Transaction Costs Matter for Survival at All Stages of the Industry Lifecycle?. Management Science. 53, 1332-1344. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2007.
Bigelow, L.(2006). Technology Choice, Transaction Alignment and Survival: The Impact of Sub-Population Governance Structure. (pp. 301-334). Advances in Strategic Management. Discipline based – other, Published, 2006.
Bigelow, L., & Glenn R. Carroll, Marc-David Seidel, Lucia Tsai. (1997). Legitimation, Geographical Scale, and Organizational Density: Regional Patterns of Foundings of American Automobile Producers, 1885-1981. Social Science Research. 26, 377-398. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 1997.
Bigelow, L., & Glenn R. Carroll, Marc-David Seidel, Lucia Tsai. (1996). The Fates of De Novo and De Alio Producers in the American Automobile Industry 1885-1981.. Strategic Management Journal. 17, 117-137. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 1996.