Bill Schulze

David Eccles Professor of Entrepreneurship & Strategy; Faculty Scholar & Fellow

Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy

Faculty, Tenure Track

Bill Schulze is a David Eccles Professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy. He teaches courses in technological strategy.


Areas of Expertise
New Venture Development

Bachelor of Arts, Williams College

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Colorado at Boulder

Master of Business Admin, University of Colorado at Boulder



Technology Strategy – MGT 6710.

This course is about technology and the challenge of creating strategies that allow firms to leverage technologies to create innovative products, profit from them, and sustain their competitive and technological advantages over time. We explore the existence and identification of technological opportunity, patterns of technological change, the evolution of marketplace, the influence of technical standards, technology commercialization, appropriability and intellectual property protection, and finally, the challenges of implementing a technology strategy. This course is useful to students interested in starting new technology companies, students planning to work for new technology companies in management or technical roles, and students interested in technology policy.



Schulze, W. and Godfrey, P.C. (2015). Organization and Contract in the Informal Economy. In Godfrey, P. C. (ed.) Rethinking Management: Theory along the formal/informal boundary, New York: Routledge. In press, 08/01/2016.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE & Zellweger, T (2016). Toward a Theory of Closely-Held Firms: The Case of the Family Firm. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. In progress, 04/15/2016.

Wuebker, R., Schulze, W., & Kraeussl, R. Is venture capital really a local business? Evidence from U.S. Cross-Border Investment. Under revision following rejection from Academy of Management Journal. In progress, 03/31/2016.

Schulze, W.S. On the Origins of Heterogeneous Capabilities. Under revision following rejection from Organization Science, October 2014. In progress, 03/31/2016.

Anokhin, S., Schulze, W.S., Weubker, R. Formative Experience and Long-Run Organizational Perfomance: The case of Corporate Venture Capital. . Under revision following rejection fromOrganization Science. In progress, 03/31/2016.

Anokhin, Sergey, Anokhin, S, Wincent, J., Autio, E. & Schulze, W.S. (2016). Arbitrage opportunities and entrepreneurial entry: A cross-country examination. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Discipline based – refereed, Revise/resubmit(2), 03/31/2016.

Godfrey, P.C., Santos, F., Rogers, Z.J. Acquah, M, & Schulze, W.S. Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid: A critique and agenda for research. Under revision, now at AoM. In progress, 03/21/2016.

Benson, D & Schulze, W.S. (2016). Are Capabilities Valuable? The Case of Corporate Venture Capital. Organization Science. Discipline based – refereed, Submitted, 01/31/2016.

Anokhin, Sergey, Schulze, W.S., Wuebker, R & Wincent, J (2016). Knowledge acquisition and Global Venture Investment: The Role of Corporate Venture Capital. Journal of Management. Submitted, 01/31/2016.

Wuebker, R, Schulze, W.S. & Deeds, D.L. (2016). Toward a Pecking Order Theory of Strategic Resource Deployment. Strategic Management Journal. Revise/resubmit(2), 01/15/2016.

Schulze, W.S. 2016. The Relationship Between Socioemotional and Financial Wealth: Re-Visiting Family Firm Decision Making . Accepted, 01/01/2016.

Schulze, W. and Godfrey, P.C. (2015). Organization and Contract in the Informal Economy. In Godfrey, P. C. (ed.) Rethinking Management: Theory along the formal/informal boundary, New York: Routledge. In press, 08/30/2015.

Schulze, W.S. & Kellermans, F. 2015. Reifying Socioemotional Wealth. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39(3):447-460. In press, 05/31/2015.

Schulze, W.S. & Gedajlovic, E, 2010. Whither Family Business? Journal of Management Studies, 47(2): 191-204. Published, 03/2010.

Anokhin, S & Schulze, W.S. (2009) Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Corruption. Journal of Business Venturing. 24(5): 465-476. Published, 09/2009.

Schulze, W., & Li, Sali & Li, Zhineng. (2008). Plunging into the Sea? A study of serial entrepreneurship in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 05/2008.

Schulze, W.(2008). Networks and Strategic Entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Discipline based – other, Published, 03/2008.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M.H., Ling, Y. (2007). An organizational justice based view of self control and agency cost in family firms. Journal of Management Studies. 44:6, 955-971. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 09/2007.

Schulze, W., & Mainkar, A and Lubatkin, MH. (2006). Toward a product-proliferation theory of entry barriers. Academy of Managment Review. 31(4), 1062-1075. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 10/2006.

Schulze, W., & Mathieu, J.E. (2006). The influence of team knowledge and formal plans on episodic team process–> performance relationships. The Academy of Management Journal. 49(3), 605-619. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 06/2006.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, MH, Ling, Y, Dino, R.N. (2005). The effects of parental altruism on the governance of family-managed firms. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 26, 1-18. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2005.

Schulze, W., & Gedajlovic, E., and Lubatkin, M.H.,. (2004). Crossing the governance threshold: From Founder management to professional management. The Journal of Management Studies. 41(5), 899-814. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2004.

Schulze, W., & Florin, J.M. and Lubatkin, M.,. (2003). A Social Capital Model of New Venture Performance.. The Academy of Management Journal. 46(3), 374-384. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2003.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M.H. and Dino, R. N. (2003). Toward a theory of agency and altruism in family firms. The Journal of Business Venturing. 18 (4), 473-490. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2003.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M.H.and Dino, R.N. (2003). Exploring the agency consequences of ownership dispersion among inside directors at family firms. The Academy of Management Journal.. 46(2), 179-194. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2003.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M.H. and McNulty, J.M. (2003). But Will It Raise My Share Price? New Thoughts About an Old Question.. Long-Range Planning. 36 (1), 81-91. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2003.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M., & Dino, R. (2002). Altruism, Agency, and the Competitiveness of Family Firms.. Managerial and Decision Economics.. 23(4/5). Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2002.

Schulze, W., & McNulty, J., Yeh, T. and Lubatkin, M.A. (2002). What’s Your Real Cost of Capital?. Harvard Business Review. 80 (10), 114-121. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2002.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M., Mainkar, A., & Cotterill, R.W. (2001). An Ecological Investigation of Firm-Effects in Horizontal Mergers.. The Strategic Management Journal. 22 (4), 335-357. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2001.

Schulze, W., & Lubatkin, M., Dino, R, and Buchholtz, A.K. (2001). Agency Relationships in Family Firms: Theory And Evidence.. Organization Science. 12 (2), 99-116. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2001.

Schulze, W., & Chatterjee, S., Lubatkin, M.,. (1999). Toward Strategic Theory of Risk Premium: Moving Beyond CAPM.. Academy of Management Review. 24 (3), 556-568. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 1999.

Schulze, W., & De Castro, J.O. (1995). The Transfer of Technology to Less Developed Countries: A View from the Recipient Perspective.. The Journal of High Technology Management,. 6 (1), 113-126. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 1995.

Schulze, W.(1994). The two schools of thought in resource-based theory: Definitions and implications for research. Advances in Strategic Management. 10 (1), 127-152. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 1994.



WILLIAM S SCHULZE (2016) Information, Opportunity, and the Origins of Value. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/18/2016.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE (2016) Opportunity, and the Origins of Value: Unpacking the Connections. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 02/03/2016.

Anokhin, S. , & Wincent, J. Autio, E. & Schulze. (2016) Arbitrage opportunities and entrepreneurial entry: A cross-country examination. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 01/20/2016.

Benson, D, & Schulze, W. (2015) On the contingent value of capabilities. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 10/05/2015.

Benson, D, & Schulze, W. (2015) Does Corporate Venture Capital “Spill over” to affect the Acquisition of Non-portfolio Firms?. Conference Paper, Refereed, Presented, 08/10/2015.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE (2015) New Faculty Consortia, Faculty, Entrepreneurship Division. Invited Talk/Keynote, Presented, 08/08/2015.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE, & Alvarez, S., McBride, R. Schulze, W, Wuebker, Westgren, R. Culver,K., Gordan, B., Josephs, . (2015) Social Ontology: Advances in Applications to Entrepreneurship and Organization Theory. Panel, Presented, 08/08/2015.

Anokhin, S, & Schulze, W.S., Weubker, R, Wincent, J., . (2015) Geographic scope, partnership strategy, and innovation capability: evidence from corporate venture capital. Conference Paper, Refereed, Submitted, 05/21/2015.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE, & Anokin, S & Wuebker, R. (2015) Formative Experience and Long-Run Organizational Perfomance: The case of Corporate Venture Capital. Invited Talk/Keynote, Submitted, 02/12/2015.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE, & Alvarez, S., Barney, J., W., Klein, P, Jennings, D, McBride, R. Schulze, W. Thiel, J., Wuebker, R., Westgren,. (2014) Social Ontology: Implications for Entrepreneurship Research. Panel, Presented, 08/11/2014.

WILLIAM S SCHULZE, & R Wuebker, S Anokhin, J. Wincent. (2014) You Can buy competitive advantage: Strategic Factor Market Theory and Acquisition Strategy in the Global Market for Innovation. Invited Talk/Keynote, Accepted, 01/2014.


Professional Organizations

Journal of Management. 07/01/2013present. Position : Associate Editor.



Professional Service

Strategic Management Society. Role: Chair. Strategy and Entrepreneurship Interest Group. 2009 – 2008

Strategic Management Journal. Board Member. 2008 – present

Society for Entrepreneurship Scholars. Role: Chair. Chair & Organizer of 2008 Conference, Organize 40 member conference that was sponsored by the Kaufman Foundation and run at Solitude Dec 10 to 13, 2008. 2008 – 2008

Entrepreneurship Divsion – AoM. Role: Co-chair. New Faculty Consortia, Co-organizer of new faculty consortia. 2007 – present

Strategic Managment Society. Role: Chair. Strategy and Entrepreneurship Division, Serving as program chair for Entrepreneurship Interest Group at SMS. Responsible for organizing track activities (4 days) at upcoming conference in Cologne Germany. 2007 – 2008

Society for Entrepreneurship Scholars. Role: Chair. Co-Organizer / Speaker, Served as “Senior Scholar” and co-organizer of 2007 conference, held in Columbus Ohio at Ohio State, August 2007. 2007 – 2007

Family Business Review. Board Member. 2006 – present

Strategic Management Society. Role: Chair. Strategy and Entrepreneurship Interest Group, Co-chair, responsible for organizing pre-conference activities for Strategy and Entrepreneurship Interest Group of Strategic Management Society. 2006 – 2007

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Board Member. 2005 – present

Journal of Management Studies. Board Member. 2005 – present

Strategic Management Society. Role: Co-Chair. Strategy & Entrepreneurship Interest Group. 2005 – 2005

Society for Entrepreneurship Scholars. Role: Conference Co-Chair. Conference organizer. 2004 – 2004

Journal of International Business Studies. Board Member. 2003 – present

Journal of Management. Board Member. 2000 – 2003

Internal Service

DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Academic Senate – Senator. Member, 2008 – present. University service.

DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, RPT – Dept Representative to School RPT. Member, 2007 – present. College service.

DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Building Committee – FF&E. Member, 2007 – present. College service.

Management, Entrepreneurship Study Group – Dept Rep on group that proposed reforms for Entrepreneurship Major – Proposals Accepted November 2007. Member, 2007 – 2008. Department service.

DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Lassonde Chair Search Committee. Member, 2007 – 2008. College service.

MGMT, Entrepreneurship Minor Proposal – Championed and wrote proposal for Entrepreneurship Minor for DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Proposal for Minor for University Students approved November 2007; Proposal for Entp Minor for DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS students being revisited per Faculty Vote 11/07; Approved Fall 2008. Member, 2007 – 2008. Department service.

Strategy Group – DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Winter Strategy Conference – Help organize Winter Strategy Conference. co-chair, 2006 – present. Department service.

Journal of Management Studies, Special Issue on Family Enterprise – Guest editor for a special issue on family enterprise. Papers due June 2007, estimated publication date, Spring 2009. Guest Editor, 2006 – present. Other service.

David Eccles School of Business, Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Curriculum Committee – Review and recommend changes to undergraduate entrepreneurship Curriculum. Member, 2006 – 2007. College service.

DAVID ECCLES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, MBA Committee. Member, 2005 – present. College service.

Long Range Planning, Special Issue: The Interfaces of Risk and Strategy. Co-Editor (with M. Lubatkin), 2002 – 2003. Other service.



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