Spring 2020 Semester Checklist

Red leaves, football wins, and Utah’s first snow day of the academic year signal change on campus, and ironically, it’s time to think ahead to Spring! Spring Semester registration dates are coming up quickly, and it’s essential to prepare even while enjoying Fall festivities. Here are five steps to set you up for success next semester: 

1) Check your registration dates 

  • Spring Registration begins Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019, and continues through Monday, Nov. 25, 2019. For your specific enrollment dates, log in to Campus Information Services, click on the “Registration” tile, and choose “View Your Registration Dates.” Put it in your calendar or write it on a sticky note, so you don’t forget! For more info, click here.

2) Build your schedule 

  • Building the right class schedule is crucial for academic success. While there is still time before formally enrolling, don’t wait to put your desired classes in your cart! Be sure to allow for work, study, and free time when building your schedule. A balanced daily checklist is vital for busy college students, and the Schedule Builder is a valuable visual tool for making sure your Spring schedule is structured and doable.

3) Meet with your Academic Advisor 

  • Academic Advisors are always there to guide you on your educational path. Set up an appointment with your advisor to go over your class schedule, ask questions, and gain a sense of confidence that you are on the right track. Also, a reminder that if you are a freshman, an appointment with your academic advisor is mandatory prior to registering. Make an appointment at Eccles.Link/youradvisior.

4) Focus on your Fall Semester classes 

  • While Spring is just around the corner, it’s not here yet. Be intentional in your Fall Semester classes and rededicate yourself to studying hard. Don’t give up on those tough courses, and continue enjoying your favorite ones! Need additional help? The Business Tutoring Center is there for you. Find hours at Eccles.Link/tutoring

5) Finish this semester strong! 

  •  It’s the last semester of this decade—close out strong! Remember to balance out your current academic schedule and give yourself time to enjoy pumpkin spice lattes, attend a concert with friends, or maybe even hit the slopes before the holidays.  
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