OSC launches Network with the Professionals webinar series

Operations and Supply Chain launched its Network with the Professionals webinar series recently by inviting Shane Hughes, an executive at Intermountain Healthcare, to speak about his experiences within the field of Operations and Supply Chain as well as within Intermountain Healthcare itself.

The Network with the Professionals talks will be an ongoing series that brings industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators to an open conversation with students to discuss career advice as well as what it is like to work within the Operations and Supply Chain landscape.

Hughes spoke about the flexibility that an OSC degree provides to students and how it allows them to transition between a unique variety of roles within Intermountain and other companies. He advised students on how understanding core OSC concepts can provide advantages in the competitive job market.

Hughes previously had worked with Eccles School students and the OSC department, when both he and Professor Sue Sundar facilitated a new partnership for a capstone course between the Eccles School and Intermountain Healthcare, a collaboration that resulted in potential savings for Intermountain of more than $1 million. Both Eccles students and Intermountain Healthcare continue to benefit from this ongoing partnership.

This event series was created by Dr. Sundar, director of the Operations and Supply Chain program, in order to give students an opportunity to meet with leading industry professionals. In the next Network with the Professionals series event, taking place on March 24, students will be able to meet with and ask questions of a VP currently working at Goldman Sachs who is an OSC alum. You can register for this virtual event here.

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