Navigating your way to valuable mentorships

College is all about navigation – navigating classes, majors, future career paths, social life, and more independence. While your time in college is full of many wonderful and memorable experiences, we also know higher education is an investment, and we’re dedicated to providing the services you need to help navigate your path.

Mentorships can be a key aspect of this. Good mentors can help navigate the complexities of higher education and the anticipation of what post-college life has in store. We’re fortunate at the David Eccles School of Business to have a vibrant and supportive alumni network of 40,000+ alumni across the nation and world who have been in your shoes and can offer advice, words of wisdom, and support.

Here at the Eccles School, we also consider our students to be a part of our alumni network from your first day of college. This is what we refer to as our “Alum from Day One” mentality. This means that Eccles students have access to all the benefits and resources that our alumni network has to offer including mentorship opportunities. Take a look below at a few of the many ways you can find valuable mentorships during your time at the Eccles School.

SMART Start Undergraduate Mentoring

SMART Start is a program partnership between Business Career Services and the David Eccles Alumni Network. It provides undergraduate Eccles School students the opportunity to interact with alumni from across various fields of business through “flash mentoring” and aims to provide current students and alumni the opportunity to engage in an organic approach to mentorship and networking. SMART Start events are held frequently throughout the school semesters. Check your Handshake to find upcoming events!

ConnectU Graduate Mentoring

ConnectU traditionally has served to connect our full-time MBA students to the David Eccles Alumni Network. ConnectU participants receive mentoring from alumni through two annual networking socials, smaller student group events at local companies called Lunches with 12, and other graduate career initiatives. This year, ConnectU is hoping to extend its services to other graduate program students as well. Be on the lookout for upcoming events here!

Eccles Student Alumni Board

If you’re looking to get more involved, grow your network, and develop more in-depth relationships with alumni, then the Eccles Student Alumni Board is the place for you! Sponsored by the Alumni Relations and Development Office, the Eccles Student Alumni Board looks to amplify awareness about the importance of giving and involvement as both a student and an alum throughout the Eccles Community. They also aim to empower Eccles students by directing programs, events, and resources including but not limited to the annual 1917-Minute Challenge, U Giving Day, donor thank-you call campaigns, and various student-alumni networking events.

Eccles Student Alumni Board members receive a $250 per semester scholarship and a philanthropy cord at graduation. They are currently looking for passionate, involved, and bright student leaders to apply for a position on our 2020-2021 board. Interested in joining? Apply here by Sept. 13, 2020! If you have any questions or want to learn more, email Monet Frank at

There are many other opportunities to be involved with alumni mentors as well by attending an Eccles Alumni Forum event or other student-alumni events through our Alumni Affinity Networks that aim to connect the Eccles community around shared experiences, interest, industries, and identities. Don’t miss out on your chance to connect with your alumni network during your time in college. They are some of your biggest cheerleaders and allies during your time at the Eccles School and afterward!

To learn more about your premier Eccles experience and mentorship opportunities, visit

About the Author

Paige Lichtenwalter is an Alumni Events Specialist at the David Eccles School of Business.

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