3 tips for Summer Semester success

Balancing school and life is never an easy task to begin with, but throwing summer into the mix can make it even more tempting to skip class and go do something with friends. Although it may be more difficult to balance than Fall or Spring Semesters, it is doable. Here are three tips for making sure that you don’t miss lake day with friends and ace your classes at the same time.

1) Find the time management tactic that works for you

Time management is arguably the most crucial skill to utilize during the semester. The only way you are going to make sure you get to go tubing is if you don’t have class and your homework/studying is complete. You can make this happen in a few ways:

  • Try doing your homework as soon as class is over. This saves you time because the information is fresh in your mind so you don’t need to reference your notes as frequently as you might have to days later. Once you have completed the assignment, you don’t have to worry about it anymore.
  • If that doesn’t work for you, try budgeting time each day that you can use to study or work on assignments. This way you can work on it for a few hours, go do whatever you have planned, and you don’t have to sacrifice any time for homework.
  • Keeping a planner can also be extremely helpful during the summertime. List out your lecture times, homework due dates, and plans you have to make sure everything fits.

2) Self-motivate by remembering your “why”

It can be tricky to keep up during the summer, especially if you haven’t had a long break since last summer. Just remember that this is leading you toward your bigger picture! That’s why we go to school in the first place. Take time to remind yourself of your goals and reflect on the work you’ve put in to make it to where you are.

3) Don’t forget self-care

Your academics may be top of mind, but a crucial part of success is prioritizing self-care. Don’t forget to take time to get outside and soak up some Vitamin D or have coffee with a friend. Need something quick? Check out some fun ideas at Eccles.link/Take5.

Kade Schweitzer is a Pre-Business student at the David Eccles School of Business. He currently serves as an intern for the Marketing + Communications team.

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