Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Jump start your business career!

Getting ready to jump-start your business career but don’t know where to start? Want an internship while you’re in school or a full-time job after college? Start talking with your career management counselors today!

Right now, deadlines are quickly approaching for summer internships applications and full-time job interviews. Be sure you are on top of the deadlines! Most applications are due in the beginning of September, which is just around the corner! Interviews will then follow through September and October.

Tips from Career Services

Attend an info session. Go to an info session for a company that is looking for interns or employees. This is the chance to ask questions and make your face known to the company you want to intern for or work for.

Get involved. Getting involved with student clubs is the best way to start building the resume employers are looking for. Leadership skills that tie into your major are huge when it comes to skills and roles that you want to show off on your resume.

Plan ahead. Be sure to check deadlines and applications for everything — Fail to plan. Plan to fail.

Dress for success. Dressing for success and the people you are meeting is crucial. You need to know what is appropriate for what type of company you will potentially be working for. Dress one notch up from what the employees of the company look like.

Reach out. Always talk with your career counselor to help track your success and plan for the future. They are there to help you and push you to become the best you can be. They can also assist you in dressing for your interview. Contact them today to help you figure out your next move!

For more information in planning your career please contact Melissa Kraft at the Career Services office at the David Eccles School of Business via email

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