Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Young Alumni Spotlight: Umu Tafisi of Zions Bancorporation

Editor’s Note: This is an installment in the series called Young Alumni. The series spotlights recently graduated alumni who are starting careers and succeeding in the business world.

Umu Tafisi is a Corporate Contracts Analyst for Zions Bancorporation. Umu holds a BS in Finance, earned a Juris Doctor (with certificate in Critical Race Studies), and is a licensed attorney in California. Umu currently resides in Los Angeles, California.Umu Tafisi

Eccles School: How did you end up choosing a business degree?

Tafisi: Initially, I was fascinated by the stock market and how Wall Street functioned. I started taking general business courses as a sophomore at the U and explored different areas. I started out in marketing, then later switched to finance.

Eccles School: What/ who inspires you?

Tafisi: A lot of people, at different times, inspire me. For example, I appreciate the great minds on NPR that speak about change for different causes. Tech industry folks making strides in improving access to and quality of education and healthcare inspire me. Also, my family is on the top of my list of inspiring people.

Eccles School: How do you keep so focused and goal-oriented?

Tafisi: I try to focus on the community that may be impacted. Whether working on a professional matter where the community consists of colleagues and clients, or a personal matter relating to my family or local community, I try to be mindful of how my work will be receivedand if it will benefit others.

Eccles School: What advice would you give to future students?

Tafisi: Always keep your options open to different opportunities, even if they don’t directly relate to your business degree. I went to law school and kept my career options open, and I am thankful for the knowledge and experience I acquired in different arenas. Also, get real-world work experience, be involved on campus, and be involved in your community (however it may be defined). Finally, learn to serve others; service will make you a better person and professional.

Eccles School: How has your Eccles Experience prepared you for the future?

Tafisi: I was exposed to great minds and learned a lot. I also received encouragement and support from some of the faculty and staff, including through the Opportunity Scholars program, to earn my degree and consider various career options.

Eccles School: What is your favorite quote?

Tafisi: One of my favorites is from Winston Churchill, to “Never, never, never give up.” You will have days where you don’t do so well; don’t give up.

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