Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Young Alumni: Sarah Billingsley at Goldman Sachs

Editor’s Note: This is an installment in the series called Young Alumni. The series spotlights recently graduated alumni who are starting careers and succeeding in the business world.

Sarah Billingsley took advantage of several opportunities at the Eccles School, and she ended up landing a full-time job at Goldman Sachs after graduating in Spring 2015.

“Stand out at your job/internship, but lead the U in your life,” said Billingsley, an analyst at Goldman Sachs here in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The Eccles School Blog caught up with Billingsley, and she talked about living a well-rounded college life while keeping your career in mind.

Eccles School: What type of career do you see yourself having?

Billingsley: Well, I wanted to own my company, specifically owning a restaurant or something in shoes! I just wanted to be an entrepreneur.

Eccles School: Who inspires you?

Billingsley: My dad inspires me. He is extremely hard working and values education. He also went to the U and received his MBA there.

Eccles School: What has the David Eccles School of Business taught you?

Billingsley: It has shown me commitment, hard work, stress, how to handle the stress and time management. The biggest thing that it has shown me is how business and people are mixed together and how both can achieve the goals with leadership skills.

Eccles School: What types of clubs/organizations were you apart of?

Billingsley: I was apart of Women in Business. I loved volunteering at Women Helping Women, which is an organization that helps women who can’t afford interview clothes receive the right clothing to help them land jobs.

Eccles School: What tips can you offer future and current students for success? 

Billingsley: Go to class and join a club. Getting involved with yourself and others is the best way to network and to push yourself to excel. Also, find a class that really interests you. When you find something that interests you, it pushes you to apply yourself in that class an. Ultimately success will follow you if you keep focused.

Eccles School: Where are you working and how did it happen?

Billingsley: I currently work for Goldman Sachs. I am an analyst there. I applied for an internship and found recruiters at the job fair. It was during the spring of 2014. The recruiters at first told me that the deadline for summer internships were full, I then gave them my resume and left. The next day they called me and asked if I could come in for an interview. I went in for an interview, and the next week received a call from Goldman Sachs saying that I was offered an internship for the summer. A week after the internship was over I had received a phone call from Goldman Sachs offering me a full-time position after graduation. I was extremely happy! 

Eccles School: Why do you love Goldman Sachs? 

Billingsley: First and foremost, I love Goldman Sachs because extremely smart and hard working people surround me. I am challenged and encouraged to be innovative at all times. There is an open-door policy, and my ideas and opinions are always embraced. In addition, Goldman Sachs values diversity, ethics and community involvement. There are plenty of opportunities including global mobility, networking and tools for expanding knowledge. The sky is the limit here!

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