Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Why use the Eccles School’s Business Tutoring Center?

One of the hardest parts of college is adapting to your professors from semester to semester. Each professor likes to run their class differently and holds different expectations for their students. This means that you have to adapt your learning style to your professor’s teaching, on top of learning new class material and trying to grasp different concepts. Especially now, in our COVID-mandated online learning world, there are so many factors — both academic and otherwise — that affect our ability to succeed in school. What would be really helpful is if there was some way to get a roadmap for success for each specific class.

Enter the BTC. The Business Tutoring Center is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable and underutilized resources for Eccles School students. It’s a free service filled with tutors assigned to help meet students’ needs. Each tutor for the center isn’t just experienced with their subject matter, they’ve been among the top students in the very classes for which they tutor. They know from experience exactly what to do and how to succeed in these classes. Now that they’ve finished the class, they have dedicated their time to help others achieve the results they’re looking for.

If you’re not getting the grades you’ve been hoping for, feel like you’re having a difficult time grasping the content, or just want to spend more time on any of your classes, I highly recommend you stop by our virtual tutoring hours and see how we can help you. With this being a free service, there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain! To see our list of tutors and their hours, and to answer any other questions you may have, visit the BTC website at We look forward to helping you!

Tanner Barton is a Business Administration student at the David Eccles School of Business. He is a lead tutor with the Business Tutoring Center (BTC).

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