Tips to help you succeed as school moves online this semester

Obviously, the current situation is not how we expected to end our 2019-2020 school year. Whether you’re a freshman just starting out or a senior who’s last year has been interrupted, this transition will be tough. Here are a few tips to make it as smooth possible:

Create a specific schedule

Get on top of each day by making a schedule that hits everything you need to do, while also leaving time for yourself. The University has recommended you complete your schoolwork within the same time frame as you would if you were in normal onsite classes.

Set up a dedicated workspace within your home

Working, sleeping, and eating all in one place can become repetitive and tiresome. Separating spaces within your home can ensure you keep motivated when working. Make sure this workspace is best for you and allows for optimal learning.

Continue using the resources the University and Eccles School have transferred online

While in-person meetings may be canceled, Business Career Services, Academic Advising, and Tutoring are still up and running through the Eccles School. If you do not have access to a laptop or WiFi, the Knowledge Commons in the library have extended their 24-hour policy on laptops and hotspots for the rest of the semester. For more information, visit

Help out your professors

As stressful as this situation has been for students, it is now up to professors to completely re-schedule the semester. On top of that, they have had to learn and use new technology within a matter of days. Be patient and kind with them as they adjust your syllabus and to the learning curve.

Prioritize your mental health

Although we are self-isolating in order to help the physical health of ourselves and others, it is important to ensure you are doing okay with the change in structure. Make sure to check in with the people around you, whether that be your family or friends.

As a society, it is our job to stay home and #flattenthecurve. As we all navigate our way through this global pandemic, make sure to thank your parents, your professors, and healthcare professionals.

Eccles Student Voices Series. Author: Anna Terry

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