Three tips on leadership, from a man who knows

Brian Allison, Director of Business Development at Cisco, stopped by the David Eccles School of Business to chat with students about “what makes a great leader.” He’s certainly well-qualified for such a task.

Allison has extensive experience building and leading a top technology company, which eventually sold to Cisco. He told the students to embrace innovation and be ready to fundamentally disrupt the status quo through questioning what needs are not being met. Allison added that once they discover that need and how to fill the gap, then they can deliver value.

“Leadership is a journey, not a sprint,” Allison said. “What you believe and perceive today will change as you age, along with your priorities and environment.”

Allison noted that there are three keys to being a great leader:

  1. Be Yourself.  Find what you love to do and work at it every day. Your drive and determination have to come from within. If you’re mimicking someone else’s traits or styles, you’ll never find success.
  2. Trust is important.  Allow individuals to be honest with you, seek feedback, and accept pushback. Surround yourself with people that have complimentary perspectives to help you stay clear of blind spots.
  3. Believe in Yourself.  It doesn’t matter where you come from, you can be whatever you want to be. Commit yourself to learning new things and follow your passion.

Allison wrapped up by talking about personal integrity – an essential part of leadership. He says Cicso’s chairman and CEO, John Chambers, tells all his employees to think about what their behavior will say about them. Chambers says to imagine what the paper would say the next day if you found yourself on the front page. Would you want your name associated with that particular situation?

Allison cautioned students that there will always be questionable situations that creep up in their career.

And, he added by way of advice, “Always do the right thing.”


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