The MRED Around-the-World gang weighs in–literally

Joe Evans, one of the students heading on the MRED Around the World trip, shared his thoughts on the lessons the group has learned from experienced world traveler Jim Hill, the director of the Ivory Boyer Real Estate Center who is leading the trip.

Joe writes: 


Only three weeks until departure! Airline tickets are booked, passports and visas acquired, and bags are already packed!

University of Utah director of the Ivory Boyer Real Estate Center, Jim Hill, has traveled around the world a few times during his days and has encouraged us to pack as light as possible. His No. 1 rule is that we, as world traveler students, do not check bags, and pack light enough that our luggage does not require any wheels. If it can’t fit on your back, then you’ve packed too much.

It’s hard to believe that after several months of planning, we are now three weeks from departure. All the students are sharpening their pencils and finalizing the last-minute details of the itineraries in each city. Jim Hill was quite impressed that the average bag for each student weighed around 10 pounds. Also, each student on this adventure will act as daily bloggers to properly document our travels.

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