at the University of Utah
Team of U. of Utah students create robotic surgical light
A team of Utah students, who worked with our Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, were featured in the USA Today.
Brody King stood on a stool in an operating room, manually adjusting the light so the surgeon could see inside the patient’s body. After several surgeries, King decided a robot would do a better job at light moving — so he set out to make one.
King, a junior in bioengineering, worked with six students to make the SyboT, a robotic system that allows surgeons to control lighting through a foot pedal and goggles with an adjustable laser.
On Saturday, King and his team of Ph.D., masters and undergraduate students will compete at the Utah Entrepreneur Challenge. King’s team has already raised about $6,400 in competitions, such as Get Seeded and Bench-2-Bedside, which took place on April 4.
Read the full story, which originally ran in the Daily Utah Chronicle, on the USA Today College Blog.