Student Giving Week
Student Giving Week was held this past November at the David Eccles School of Business. During the week of November 12 – 16th, the Business Student Alumni Board raised awareness among their fellow students about the importance of giving back to the school.
The main priority of Student Giving Week was to show students that tuition doesn’t cover all of the benefits they receive throughout their educational experience. Students were also informed how they can take an active role in increasing the value of their degrees by contributing to the effort to improve the school’s national ranking.
Each year, publications such as the Bloomberg Businessweek release rankings for the nation’s business schools. In determining these rankings, the publications take into account many factors such as alumni support, job placement, internships and ethics. The David Eccles School of Business has done an outstanding job in many areas including having 100 percent internship placement in 2011 for all students seeking an internship. The David Eccles School of Business also won Daniel’s Funding, which is awarded to faculty and schools that have integrated ethics into their core curriculum.
However, one area that is lacking is the alumni support. To determine alumni support, the magazine conducts surveys about how alumni give and support the school. After one semester, students are counted as alumni; therefore, the numbers of students who participate add to the number of alumni who support the school. One of the main points emphasized during Student Giving Week was demonstrating how even giving a small amount can help fund scholarships, programs, new technologies and facilities like our new Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building, while simultaneously increasing the value of earned degrees by helping raise the national ranking of the David Eccles School of Business.
During Student Giving Week, most students who participated gave around $5, but some gave $50 or more and many set up pledges to give annually for the next five years. The Business Student Alumni Board, which consists of graduate students: Erik Edwards, Ryan Tucker, Chris Manning and Kristine Taylor; and undergraduate students: Eliza Rasmussen, Katie Baker, Greg Thornton and Jake Smith; planned the campaign, created marketing materials, made class presentations, and staffed information tables throughout the business buildings. Due to their efforts and the generosity of their peers, Student Giving Week raised a total of $2,204.40 in pledges and gifts through the participation of more than 150 individuals.
It was remarkable to see the amount of enthusiasm among the many students that participated. The Business Student Alumni Board hopes to build on its success as it seeks to strengthen the culture of giving at the David Eccles School of Business.
Thank you to all the generous donors who participated! Raising funds is an ongoing effort, which can be supported, not only by students, but alumni as well. Take the time now to support the school and provide the next generation of students the highest quality of education available.
– TJ McMullin, Development Assistant for Business Student Alumni Board