Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

The real reason you watched the Super Bowl

We’ve all heard it: “I only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.” Regardless of if you are a die-hard NFL fan or one of those people who have been caught saying the above statement, I think it is safe to say that the advertisements in the this seemingly national-holiday-worthy-event are always a point of discussion. With thirty seconds of screen time costing more than five million dollars *move pinky to side of mouth* the companies that purchase this precious time better make it worthwhile.

The commercials this year ranged from comic to controversial, happy to heart wrenching, and inspiring to idiotic. Every year, USA Today releases the top commercials from that year’s game ranked in order of best to worst. This ranking is one of the most respected, and the ad agencies and company’s they represent put a lot of effort (money) into getting to the top.

This year, the top three ads were all very different but surprisingly all for car companies. One had a feel good message about being whoever you want to be, while another made a bold statement about women’s equality. All the ads on the top ten list are worth watching, but these three really stood out:

3. Audi, “Daughter”

This ad probably falls more into the controversial category as Audi made a very apparent and bold statement about gender equality. Audi did not try and hide their purpose behind any celebrities or product design features; they made a direct statement that moved a lot of people- or at least got them talking. Regardless of what you thought of the ad, it generated buzz about the brand: mission accomplished. #driveprogress

2. Honda, “Yearbooks”

Apart from the truly amazing technology that was displayed in this ad, its feel-good message and overall “good vibes” really spoke to the audience securing it the number two spot. The creators were smart in choosing well-liked and well-known celebrities to appear. There may have been a toss up between Tina Fey and Nicholas Cage, but I personally believe that Tina was a good decision. Overall, the commercial portrayed a “you can do anything you put your mind to” idea and subtly hinted that you’re more likely to be very successful if you drive a Honda CRV.

Disclaimer: correlation does not identify causation

1.Kia, “Heroes Journey”

Taking the cake at number one is Melissa McCarthy’s partnership with the brand that has the most annoying radio ads of all time (hint Kia Kia Kia). I’ve got to give it to them: this was a good ad. It was funny and got the point across in a way that left out all the fancy stats about saving the environment and got to the thing people really wanted: the whales. Well done Kia, I forgive you for world’s worst jingle.

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