QAMO Conversation: Sophomore Macy Crowell

Massachusetts native Macy Crowell is a rising sophomore majoring in QAMO.

Q: Macy, how did you spend your summer?

I was in Amsterdam! I did a monthlong summer internship there with the Eccles Global program. It was a consulting internship program where Eccles School students were split into consulting teams to help a real client on business problems.

Q: And who was the client?

It was a tea company looking for creative ideas for growing its business. The have a great product but just need ideas to help it expand.

Q: You tried the product? Six out of ten?

Yes, we tried it and more like ten out of ten. It was really good.

Q: So what ideas did you put forward?

Well my group suggested they work to get free samples of their product into hotels and Airbnb’s, to try to draw more traffic to the store. The product is just so good that finding ways for potential customers to try it is the key.

Q: And how do you think that will work?

Well unfortunately the client went with another group’s recommendation to develop a Van-Gogh-themed tea to sell through the Van Gogh Museum.

Q: Hmm, I like your idea better.

But it was a great experience. Amsterdam felt safe and small and welcoming, and I was able to take short trips to Paris, London and Switzerland. I made great connections and was even able to meet a few other QAMO majors. It was a really fun way to go abroad in college.

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