at the University of Utah
Opportunity Scholars connect over peer mentoring luncheon
Good food, good company, better connection. Opportunity Scholars recently took time to relax, catch-up, and connect with peers over lunch and a peer mentoring activity.
Junior and senior Scholars took the lead for this session, which focused on teamwork, the college experience, and advice on selecting a major. Peer mentoring activities are valuable. Students have the chance to create and nurture long-term, positive relationships, provide a supportive environment to share advice and address concerns, and increase knowledge about campus resources and facilities.
Peer mentoring contributes to:
- Increased confidence and motivation
- Stronger sense of belonging to the Eccles School and Opportunity Scholars
- Heightened intercultural sensitivity
- Enhanced inter/intrapersonal abilities
- Improved communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
Research shows that students who are connected have a sense of belonging and are more likely to persist in college.[1]
This event launched a series of upcoming peer-mentoring activities for the Opportunity Scholars program.
The goal of the Opportunity Scholars Program at the Eccles School is to support and enhance the educational experience of first-generation business students as they progress toward graduation. For more information, visit Eccles.Link/opportunity-scholars.
[1]Here’s why a sense of belonging in college matters more than you think. Study International News. Jan 2020.