at the University of Utah
Meet the Professionals a Huge Success
Each fall Beta Alpha Psi sponsors Meet the Professionals, an event designed to provide students the opportunity to explore career paths in public accounting and financial services and to practice their networking skills. They held this year’s event on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at the University of Utah Officer’s Club. Twenty-six firms were represented and the event was well attended by Beta Alpha Psi students and faculty.
Recruiters from major accounting firms as well as local government agencies were available to answer student questions in an informal setting. The professionals were eager to meet the students and provide information about and employment opportunities within their firms. For many students, this was the first opportunity they had to be noticed by professional recruiters, and first and second year accounting students were strongly encouraged to attend as well. Meet the Professionals is an excellent opportunity for students to make professional contacts, build relationships, and learn about the financial industry before the official recruiting season begins.