at the University of Utah
Important dates to keep in mind
Crazy to think that we are halfway through the fall semester, but it is that time to register for spring 2016 semester and apply for graduation.
Important dates to keep in mind
Admission Deadline Nov. 1, 2015
Registration Dates Nov. 5, 2015
Deadline for Graduation Nov. 2, 2015
Open Enrollment Nov. 30, 2015
Upper Division Orientation Nov. 2, 2015
Eccles School Upper Division Jan. 25, 2016
Holiday Recess Dec. 19-Jan. 10, 2016
Grades Available Dec. 29, 2015
Spring Semester Begins Jan. 11, 2016
Tuition Due Jan. 22, 2016
Get your classes early so you don’t have to worry about your schedule. Fail to plan, plan to fail.