How to make your LinkedIn profile work for you

As a business student, having a LinkedIn profile is a very useful tool to have in the business world. It allows for you to keep in touch with your network on a professional basis, and it helps you land potential internships or jobs. In the beginning, you will have to put some time into creating your LinkedIn profile to make it represent your best self. Give as much information as you can on your LinkedIn profile because many recruiters and hiring managers turn to LinkedIn to learn more about their potential candidates. In today’s day and age, LinkedIn is essentially your resume, just elevated.

Here are six tips I have as a student who actively uses LinkedIn to stay in touch with my network and up-to-date with current internships and future jobs.

  1. LinkedIn is your brand, so make it yours. The first step is to create a custom URL on LinkedIn. The most ideal URL should be: This allows people to easily search for you, whether that is a job recruiter, hiring manager, or someone who sees all your endorsed skills.
  2. Have a clean and crisp profile picture, I would recommend getting a headshot taken. You are on a professional platform, so having a professional-looking picture is important representation of yourself as a professional, and will help you stand out even more.
  3. Utilize the LinkedIn headline. I personally feel like there are a few options for a good LinkedIn headline. If you are an undergrad looking for an internship or job, your headline could be something along the lines of “marketing student looking for an internship in social media marketing. ” If you currently have an internship, I would recommend putting that as your headline and the company you are interning for. If you are not looking for work, but still in school, I think putting your major and university in your headline is a great option because you can potentially interact with other fellow alumni.
  4. Add skills you have and have your network endorse you on these specific skills. They really help you standout among employers when they look through your LinkedIn profile. Put only your most valued skills and make sure there is a range of skills from industry knowledge, interpersonal to tools + technology.
  5. Be sure to update your status and stay fairly active. This can be anything from sharing an article you found interesting, your comments and thoughts about a picture, post or article, or even something you write personally. I feel this is the perfect opportunity to engage most with the network you have built and continue to build upon, and it’s important to stay top of mind, particularly when job or internship searching. I’d also suggest to create a good content mix for your statuses as well, don’t just repost articles.
  6. Add media, certifications, awards, and publications to the accomplishment section of your profile. This allows people to actually see what you are capable of, instead of just talking the talk. Not everyone has a publication or a certification in the arts or business. Diversify yourself!

When I was applying for internships, I had one company ask for my LinkedIn URL and why I wanted to work for their company. When it came time to interview it was three males who had their laptops with my LinkedIn profile on their screens asking me some more in-depth questions about it. Know your profile because it is one of your best assets when it comes to jobs. Your resume only says so much about you, but your LinkedIn profile is almost everything full circle.

Make your LinkedIn work for you. Hopefully by making it the best representation of your professional self, it can help you land your next internship or job.

Amelia Dyck-Mccrary is a junior at the David Eccles School of Business studying Marketing and Information Systems. She is also an intern for the M+C team.