How Eccles School students can dress for success

Adyson Edwards believes students should always dress for success. She shares her advice for how to dress when coming to class or heading off to an event at the Eccles School. Photo: Kailey CritchleyAdyson Edwards, one of the Eccles Ambassadors

Back to school has sneaked up on us and classes are now in full swing. Staying up all night completing assignments only to wake up early to attend class is never easy for any college student. Sleepless nights and early mornings are tempting (to say the least) to simply roll out of bed and throw on your comfiest pair of sweatpants and old band tee. How does that make you feel throughout the day, though?

I know that I feel like a hot mess left over from last night’s homework extravaganza. However, when I pick out an outfit that makes me feel confident and put together, I feel like nothing can stop me that day, even that nasty accounting test at 10:45 a.m.

It is no secret that when you feel good, you have a better chance of performing better than you would if dressed otherwise. This doesn’t mean you have to wear expensive clothing to do well in school — studying and attending class are still the most important aspects. However, confidence in yourself brings confidence in other areas of your day such as academics.

The next time you wake up feeling exhausted and unmotivated for class, try throwing on one of your favorite outfits. Ladies, a romper and your favorite booties is a great go-to. Just one article of clothing to decide on and you instantly look put together and ready for the day. Guys, a nice pair of jeans and a cool button up shirt with some dressier shoes (something nicer than your old beat up pair of Nikes).

All you have to do to instantly have a great morning is dress for yourself.

The Eccles School is always buzzing with students, professors, and executives in sharp suits and ties. Another reason to always be looking on point is that you never know who you are standing next to. You could be riding in the elevator next to Dean Taylor Randall and his influential colleagues wearing your Wal-Mart sweats, coffee-stained Rolling Stones shirt, and Toms from eighth grade. That is not the impression you want to be leaving of yourself to anyone in the business school.

“Always be on,” Professor Buzz Welch always tells his Business Scholar students. You never know who you are surrounded by and always want to be leaving your absolute best impression.

Events are always happening in the Eccles School, and those can be hard to determine what to wear. Many say business casual, but don’t let the casual part fool you. You still need to look professional and put together because more often than not, networking will be happening at these events. Guys are able to wear dress pants, a dress shirt, and shoes and look professional and ready to go. Women, however, may have a little harder time finding what to select for the event. Nice, structured skirts or dresses that hit no shorter than an inch above the knee are ideal for events. As for tops, make sure you don’t wear anything with a too deeply cut neckline or tank tops, etc.

When attending events, I tend to play the safe route and wear my suit skirt and a fun blouse with cute (not too high) heels. Tie it all together with a necklace, and you’ll be ready to network with everyone in the room.

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