at the University of Utah
Future Alumni Feature Friday: Daniel von Wallwitz
Happy February everybody! We are kicking off the new month by continuing our #futurealumnifriday series. Have you met Daniel von Wallwitz here at the David Eccles School of Business? Our guess is a solid yes because he is involved in Business Scholars, Beta Alpha Psi, Business Economics Society, and Goff Scholars! He expects to graduate in 2020 with his degree QUAMO. If you haven’t met Daniel, and even if you have, we hope you’ll take the time to learn more about his #EcclesExperience!
1. What was your first job?
English and German instructor at a language school in Brazil.
2. What is a book you read recently? What was the best part?
Fahrenheit 451 – not sure if there is one singular best part.
3. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Receiving a job offer from a Big 4 accounting firm before even completing my third semester at the U (just over a year after moving to Utah from Brazil).
4. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Visit Brazil.
5. In what way have you been most impacted during your time at the Eccles School?
The Goff Scholars program has been the most impactful aspect for my education at the Eccles School. Being able to work on real world problems and present recommendations to a board of directors has an immeasurable value and has taught me more than every other class combined.
6. Describe yourself in one or two words.
Dedicated and caring.

7. What is the best business advice you have received?
Network, network, network. Always.
8. What is something you learned at the Eccles School that you will never forget?
Hopefully accounting and economics. Jokes apart, I believe I will never forget the importance of giving back to those around us. When we tend in our daily routines to turn inward and ask how something will benefit our own life, I have found most fulfillment in times where I turn outwards. Whether that is through a service project with Beta Alpha Psi or through tutoring someone for a specific subject or even listening to someone going through a hard time – the most important thing is to always be looking for opportunities to serve.

9. What is the best way to start the day?
5K at 6 a.m.
10. What do you want to do in your professional career?
I will start my career with public accounting specifically focused on financial services audit (Banks, PE, VC). After 4-5 years I plan to switch to an industry position and long-term I could see myself being a controller or CFO for Audi or Porsche in Germany. I could also see myself as an economics or accounting professor after many years of industry experience.
11. Who has been your most influential professor at the Eccles School?
Professor Schaefer. He is brilliant and extremely smart. He pushes me out of my comfort zone in every class and interaction I have with him, helping me grow as a student and also as a person.
12. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winner a medal for?
Studying – if it was an endurance sport I could definitely compete in it. I have a couple of times studied for over 20 hours straight.
13. What song do you have completely memorized?
Senhor do Tempo – Charlie Brown Jr.
14. What is your favorite memory so far at the U?
My favorite memory is being part of the Corporate Outreach family. Katie Abby, Kate Peleshak, and Diana Woodbury took me in to work for them just a month after I moved here from Brazil and taught me extremely much and to this day are still mentors for me in my life.

15. If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I was asked this question once during an interview and I had no idea what to say so at the time I said President Obama – but don’t quote me on this, I just thought it would be cool to have a conversation about USA’s economy with the President of America.
<iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”342″ frameBorder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=””>via GIPHY</a></p>
16. What advice would you give to an incoming freshman at the U?
Get busy and get involved! There are so many wonderful resources and opportunities provided by the Eccles School and it only requires a little extra commitment and involvement – and that is what makes all the difference in one’s college experience.

17. What are you most looking forward to in the next 5-10 years?
Starting my career, starting a family, and giving back to the community I live in.
18. What are you going to miss most about the David Eccles School of Business when you graduate?
The daily interactions with my professors and friends.
19. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? Who would play you?
I’m not creative enough for this question… sorry!
20. What is your favorite study spot on campus?
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